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Home ›Supervisors hold July 3 regular session in Lansing, discuss Pioneer Cemetery Commission, Upper Iowa River flooding and closure of Breezy Corners Road at July 10 regular session
by Joe Moses
Due to the Fourth of July holiday resulting in early printing of The Standard last week, prior to the Monday, July 3 regular meeting of the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors, coverage of that July 3 regular meeting is included in this week's issue, along with the board's Monday, July 10 regular meeting.
The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at the Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library Monday, July 3 as part of the board's effort to meet in various communities throughout the county. The board addressed a full agenda of items, including Manure Management Plan Updates, an appointment to the Veterans Affairs Commission and the consideration of a personnel change of status in the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Department.
Chairperson Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order with the current agenda being approved. The Supervisors moved into Public Comment, with Allamakee County Conservation Director Jim Janett discussing the busy weekend in Harpers Ferry with heavy traffic and numerous boat trailers. Supervisor Dan Byrnes discussed the 2017 Firecracker Run/Walk that was held Saturday, July 1 in Harpers Ferry with 187 participants.
Meehan Memorial Library Director Derva Burke discussed serving as Director of the library for ten years and preparations for the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®), including sculpture projects being created by children using bicycle parts in honor of the event. Burke discussed Lansing's sesquicentennial and plans to promote the library at the Allamakee County Fair. Dennis Blocker with the Allamakee County ATV/UTV Club thanked the Supervisors for approving the ATV Ordinance and for signage relating to the ATV trail.
The Supervisors moved into the consideration of a Resolution for the Destruction of Noxious Weeds, which was approved by roll call vote. Manure Management Plans and Updates for Pheasant Ridge and Schmeltzers (Mike and Denise Nelson) were reviewed by the Supervisors, which involve one owner with two locations. Following review, the manure management plans were accepted and placed on file. The Supervisors also approved the appointment of Cheryl Garin of Lansing as Commissioner of the Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Commission.
Allamakee County Zoning Administrator Tom Blake presented a plat request for David Schultz and John J. and Bernadette R. Sweeney involving the surveying off of a four-acre section to be sold to a neighboring property owner. Blake indicated that the Plat Review Committee has recommended approval, which the Supervisors reviewed and also approved. Blake also presented a plat request for Gavin Sherburne involving the surveying off of an access and a lot for a house, which received Plat Review Committee approval, with the Supervisors approving following discussion. Blake then presented the plat request for David W. Miller involving the surveying of three-plus acres off of a farm as a building site, with a recommendation from the Plat Review Committee, which the Supervisors approved.
Allamakee County Sheriff Clark Mellick discussed the change of status request for Jacqueline Byrnes, a part-time office staff member who is being requested to move to full-time status. The Supervisors approved the status change to full-time at a pay rate agreed upon in the union contract.
Supervisor Dennis Koenig provided a brief update on the recent County Social Services (CSS) meeting which had 21 of the 22 Board members in attendance. Koenig requested postponing a full update of the CSS meeting until the next Supervisors meeting and at that time he will present more detailed information on the proposed restructuring of the region that includes Allamakee County.
Under Department Head Updates, Allamakee County Deputy Auditor Christine Gavin discussed some insurance and prescription coverage matters affecting County employees. Sheriff Mellick provided an update about the Allamakee County Public Safety Center including landscaping and re-seeding that still needs to be completed.
The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, July 10 to address a full agenda of items, including the Allamakee County Pioneer Cemetery Commission Ordinance, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Construction Permit for EB Ag LLP and the Iowa Flood Center proposal concerning the Upper Iowa River flooding.
The Supervisors moved into Public Comment with no members of the public in attendance. During this time, the Supervisors discussed their scheduled facility tour of Agri Star in Postville to take place Tuesday, July 11.
The Supervisors moved into Consideration of Language for the Allamakee County Pioneer Cemetery Commission Ordinance No. LVIII, which was prepared by Allamakee County Attorney Jill Kistler. The Supervisors discussed the structure of the Pioneer Cemetery Commission to include nine persons, three appointees for each of the three terms. A similar Winneshiek County Ordinance was discussed that also involves a nine-person commission. The Supervisors approved the language of the ordinance and set July 24 at 9:40 a.m. as the Public Hearing for the Pioneer Cemetery Commission Ordinance. Setting a date and time for the Pioneer Cemetery Commission Fiscal-Year 2018 Budget Amendment Public Hearing was tabled for discussion at a later time.
The Emergency Medical Services transfer of $9,050 was approved by the Supervisors. Quarterly Reports for Environmental Health, County Recorder and County Auditor, along with the County Treasurer Semi-Annual and Annual Report, were accepted and placed on file.
The DNR Construction Permit for EB Ag LLP was reviewed by the Supervisors. Representatives of Waukon Feed Ranch were in attendance to provide feedback on this matter, including Human Resources Manager Nancy Everman, Agronomist/Manure Plan Manager Troy Peterson and Human Resources Intern Michelle Winkie. EB Ag LLP will be adding three barns to its swine operation, two for farrowing and one for gestation with a total of 4,917 sows at the facility. A Public Hearing for this construction permit application was set for July 24 at 9:45 a.m.
The Supervisors moved into the discussion of security cameras and monitors for the Allamakee County Courthouse. Allamakee County Deputy Recorder Laurie Welch discussed the viewing of live camera footage with a dedicated monitor placed in an office or as an addition to a computer monitor used for another purpose within the courthouse. The matter was tabled for discussion at a later time.
Supervisor Dennis Koenig provided a review of a recent County Social Services (CSS) meeting. Koenig discussed the role of Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and said that with the restructuring of CSS, many Case Managers formerly employed by the County have been absorbed into MCOs. Koenig described the realignment of the CSS strategy to include working with youth and jail diversion and discussed CSS's relationship with the Area Agency on Aging and the Lifelong Links service.
Allamakee County Engineer Brian Ridenour discussed the Iowa Flood Center proposal regarding Upper Iowa River flooding. Ridenour discussed communications he has had with Director Larry Weber and Associate Director Nathan Young with the Iowa Flood Center and the proposal for the bathymetric survey of the Upper Iowa River in the vicinity of the Upper Iowa Drainage District. Ridenour advised that several scenarios have been discussed including increasing the levee height, modifications to the existing culvert upstream from Morgan Bridge Road and installing a culvert under Morgan Bridge Road. Ridenour advised that he will continue to work with the Iowa Flood Center, bringing back a contract for review when appropriate.
Ridenour also discussed adding a full-time position to the Secondary Roads Department and a full-time Administration Aide position for routine office work in the County Engineer's Office, with a Civil Engineer Technician position as another possibility.
The Supervisors moved on to the consideration of the temporary closure of part of Breezy Corners Road south of Waukon. Ridenour advised that grading and culvert work has begun for the paving of a section of Breezy Corners Road and that access to Bodensteiner Implement is currently through the Waukon Power Sports lot. Ridenour said Breezy Corners Road will need to be completely closed the week of July 24 when concrete will be poured. The temporary closure of a part of Breezy Corners Road was approved by the Supervisors.
Under Department Head Updates, Ridenour talked about gravel and asphalt projects that are ongoing and that Skyline Construction is currently working on concrete patching. Ridenour also discussed some issues with reflective paint used by a contractor in painting lines on County roads, with the work to be redone until deemed satisfactory.