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Waukon State Bank recently made two donations in support of the new 4-H Food Stand located at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds in Waukon. A donation of $2,500 was presented to the Allamakee County Fair Board in support of the new food stand construction and $500 was donated to the ISU Allamakee County Extension Office for the purchase of appliances and kitchen fixtures. The new 4-H Food Stand will open with the 2017 Allamakee County Fair, which runs July 19 through July 23 at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds. Pictured above in the photo, left to right, are Gail Prestemon of Waukon State Bank, Miranda Reinhardt of the Allamakee County 4-H County Council, Teresa Myers of the Allamakee County Fair Board, Erika Johnson of the Allamakee County 4-H County Council and Justin Sweeney of Waukon State Bank.