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In partnership with Allamakee County 4-H, the Waukon VFW Auxiliary #4117 awarded citizenship awards to 4-H members at the 2017 Allamakee County Fair Youth Showcase held Tuesday, July 18 at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion. Allamakee County Fair 4-H entries that show “The Way Our Youth Honor Their Veterans” were eligible for recognition by VFW Auxiliary #4117. First place was awarded to Diana Davison for her participation in Quilts of Valor that are presented to Allamakee County veterans. Second place was bestowed upon Ainsly Lydon for her American flag string art project. Two third-place awards were given to Sean Liddiard, for his photograph of Arlington Cemetery, and to Ashley Liddiard, for her Iwo Jima Memorial photograph. Certificates were presented by Auxiliary President Sherry Bechtel to the winning entries, along with a cash award. Pictured left to right, are Ainsly Lydon, Sean Liddiard, Ashley Liddiard, Diana Davison, Sherry Bechtel. Submitted photo.