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Home ›Cover Crop and Manure Field Day set for April 9
The Allamakee SWCD will be hosting a cover crop and manure use field day Monday, April 9 at the Weymiller Bottoms Farm near 1261 Hartley Drive, New Albin. The event will start at 11 a.m. and should be done by 1 p.m. We will be looking at fields that were planted with cereal rye right before or right after manure application. Part of one field was slurry-seeded where the seed was mixed directly in the manure tank and seeded with the manure application. Neil Sass, NRCS Area Agronomist, will talk about how cover crops work with manure to improve soil health as well as cover crop termination. Sara Berges, Project Coordinator with the Allamakee SWCD, will talk about cost-share for cover crop seeding. The cover crop demonstration sites were established with assistance from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.
Lunch will be provided at the field day with funds from the Iowa Corn Growers Association, so an RSVP is requested by Friday, April 6 by calling 563-568-2246 ext. 3 or email