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Home ›Finishing touches put on Lansing Lions Club Playground Enhancement Project; Donors honored

For the community, by the community ... The final touches were recently put on the Lansing Lions Club Playground Enhancement Project near the ball diamond and South Front Street in Lansing, bringing the project to a celebratory completion just prior to this weekend’s Lansing Fish Days activities that will be taking place in that area and throughout the community. The Lansing Lions Club acknowledges with great appreciation all the contributions made to the project by members of the community in so many different facets, with donations to the project being commemorated on the two “Big Catch” signs pictured below and located near the playground. Photos by Susan Cantine-Maxson.

by Susan Cantine-Maxson
The Lansing Lions Club recently completed the finishing touches on its Playground Enhancement Project featuring the new playground equipment replicating a steamboat on the Mississippi River.
The Lions Club wants to acknowledge all who provided financial support for the project. The new donor recognition signs erected at the playground site capture the names of those who responded to the “Big Catch” funding campaign for the project.
The project goals included the enhancement of the playground by making it safe, educational and handicap-accessible by adding such amenities as a multi-activity commercial structure for children ages five to 12, benches for those watching the children play, a bicycle rack, a handicap-accessible picnic table, trees which will eventually protect the children from the sun, and educational signage about boating and water safety.
The goals of a safe, handicap-accessible playground were met by early October 2017 when construction of the structure was completed. Educational and donor recognition signs were designed, manufactured and installed more recently. The Lions encourage people to say thank you to those who contributed to complete such a project that has brought joy to children and adults in the Lansing area, as well as visitors to Lansing.
The community’s financial and physical support for the project equaled that generated from grants and gifts from charitable foundations. Over fifty volunteers made quick work erecting the large multi-activity playground equipment in the shape of a Mississippi Paddle Wheeler Steamer on two of the hottest weekends of the summer last September. Community involvement has been a big benefit of such a project. The Lansing Lions are pleased that they could initiate and coordinate the efforts to accomplish this goal, noting that supporting this project “For the Kids” makes it all worthwhile.