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Home ›Glenwood Confirmation Class of 1972 to hold 50-year reunion Sunday ...
The Confirmation Class of 1972 at Glenwood Lutheran Church in rural Decorah will be holding a 50-year reunion this Sunday, October 2. The reunion will include the 10:30 a.m. church service, which will then be followed by a potluck dinner with cake and scalloped potatoes and ham provided. Members of that Confirmation Class of 1972 pictured above include: Left to right - Front row: Cheryl (Tangen) Lemke, Rebecca (Fritz) Welper, Pastor Olaf Brandt, Kristi Olson (deceased), Brenda (Westby) Broghammer. Back row: Keith Wilkins, Randy Teslow, James Berg, Alan Rosendahl, Alan Erickson (deceased), Kurt Wilkins, Jan Dansdill. Submitted photo.