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Ward Lechtenberg
Nick and Carlyn Lechtenberg of Elgin announce the birth of their son, Ward Josey Lechtenberg, born September 21, 2022 at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI. He weighed 6 lbs. 6 ozs. and measured 19 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins two big brothers, Stirn (6) and Teff (4).
Grandparents are Ray and Kerry Wacker of Waukon, Craig and Jane Rood of Elgin, and the late Joe Lechtenberg of Postville. Great-grandparents are Ray and Shirley Wacker of Boscobel, WI, Edna Lechtenberg of Postville and Dale Rood of Viroqua, WI.