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The community of Lansing will welcome a rather unique visitor Monday, August 7, as InnerTuba will make Lansing a performance stop on its current 2023 Mississippi River Tour. United Kingdom native Jon Hodkin is a cyclist and a tuba player who loves to travel, and in 2000 he created the idea of combining all of those loves into a cycling musical tour he calls InnerTuba. Hodkin travels on his custom-made recumbent tricycle pulling a trailer that hauls his tuba (all pictured in the contributed photo above) that he will bring out to play for audiences at various stops along his tour route. According to Hodkin’s website, “InnerTuba is all about extensive travel, playing music and mingling with lots of people”.
His latest adventure is the 2023 Mississippi River Tour that currently has him traveling the entire length of the Mississippi River, a journey of 3,000 miles in 150 days, from a starting point of New Orleans, LA that began April 19 of this year to a planned finish at Lake Itasca in Minnesota scheduled for September 15. His focus on the tour is to meet people and play his tuba in various rural communities along the route, while also making stops within the larger municipalities to perform along the way as well.
One of those rural community performances will be taking place Monday, August 7 in Lansing. Hodkin has scheduled a performance at the Lansing Office Works location, 274 Main Street in Lansing, for that Monday, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Those attending his August 7 performance are asked to bring a free-will donation to help Hodkin continue his travels, as well as a dish to pass for a potluck meal so he can be fed dinner as well.
Any change to that performance time will be made known on the Lansing Office Works website at According to the InnerTuba website (, Hodkin will be making his way to Lansing the week prior to his performance on a route that includes Oxford Junction, Cascade, Dyersville, Colesburg, Elkader, Monona, Marquette and Harpers Ferry. Tuesday, August 8 he plans to travel to La Crosse, WI and will then continue to Winona, MN Wednesday, August 9.