VMH to perform free blood pressure and blood sugar testing at Waukon Corn Days

Point of Contact Testing Proves to be Life-Saving

Veterans Memorial Hospital will be offering free Blood Sugar Testing and Blood Pressure checks with immediate results at the Waukon Corn Days celebration held downtown the evening of Friday,  August 4. The tests will be performed by staff, in the Veterans Memorial Hospital first aid tent. Both of these checks take just a few seconds to perform and are free of charge.

The hospital typically offers these two tests at most all area events and often times catches individuals who unknowingly have high results. Jane Wedo of Castalia was one of those. She visited the Veterans Memorial Hospital fair booth in 2022 and had her blood pressure checked. After finding a very high result, she was directed to seek medical attention right away. She returned to the hospital fair booth this year, to thank them for saving her life.           

Jane states, “I am so thankful I stopped last year to have my blood pressure checked and that they insisted I go to the doctor. I was seen in the ER and given blood pressure medication right away and I feel so much better. I always had normal blood pressure at all of my check-ups, so this was a surprise to me. I had started having lots of problems with migraines, but since I went on the blood pressure medication, I have been migraine free!”

Thousands of people in the United States also walk around with diabetes and are unaware they have high blood sugar. Random testing such as this opportunity at Corn Days helps to find these individuals and direct them to the professionals who can help them successfully manage the disease.

New this year at Corn Days, Veterans Memorial Hospital will be offering “Be the Match” stem cell sampling for everyone ages 18-40.  The “Be the Match” stem cell sampling is quick, easy, painless and can truly save a life. This is the same program that Robin Roberts from Good Morning America endorses following her own successful bone marrow transplant match 10 years ago. A blood stem cell donation can be a cure for blood cancer, sickle cell, and other deadly diseases. Many patients and their families are counting on drives like this to find their match.

As always, Veterans Memorial Hospital will have a medical kit available for any first aid emergencies at the event.  The hospital tent will be located near the Corn Days serving line.