Veterans Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Pillow Perk date is set; Annual membership drive has begun

VMH Auxiliary Pillow Perk set for Monday, October 16 ... The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital is devoted to providing the hospital and its patients and visitors with many services. The Auxiliary meets monthly the second Monday of each month, at 1 p.m., in the ICN Conference Room at Veterans Memorial Hospital. In addition to their annual membership drive, they host several events each year including the Women’s Health Day which will be held Tuesday, September 26; the feather pillow Pillow Perk, pictured above, which is set for October 16; and a spring garage sale, in addition to the gift case items located just inside the main entrance to the hospital. The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital’s annual membership drive is on now. New members are always welcome. Submitted photo.

The Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital is devoted to providing the hospital and its patients and visitors with many services. Their annual membership drive is on now. Auxiliary membership dues are just $10 for active members and $15 for inactive members.

The Auxiliary meets monthly the second Monday of each month, at 1 p.m., in the ICN Conference Room at Veterans Memorial Hospital.  In addition to their annual membership drive, they host several events each year including the Women’s Health Day which will be held Tuesday, September 26; the feather pillow Pillow Perk which is set for October 16, as well as their spring garage sale, all in addition to the gift case items located just inside the main entrance to the hospital.

The Auxiliary has purchased numerous items for the hospital with the funds raised from all of these events. New members are always welcome. Auxiliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital registration forms are available at the front desk of Veterans Memorial Hospital.  For more information, call Bev Larson-Needham at 563-568-4287.