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Home ›Lansing City Council adopts new draft of Allamakee County Hazard Mitigation Plan, holds first reading of new utility rates ordinance
by Julie Berg-Raymond
During its regular meeting Monday, August 7, the Lansing City Council adopted Resolution No. 992, a new draft of the Allamakee County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Included in the plan are all six cities, the three public school districts and the county. The plan is waiting for final approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
“I will do a follow-up visit with each participating jurisdiction each year to see what actions are being taken on the plan or if there needs to be any additions,” Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker said. “In three and a half years we will start this process over again as the plan is required to be reviewed and updated every five years.”
The draft plan can be found on the Allamakee County website and on the Emergency Management page at Once approved by FEMA and all the adoptions are done, the final plan will also be on the Allamakee County website. Each jurisdiction will be provided with one copy of the 269-page plan.
The council held one reading of Ordinance No. 206 regarding new water/sewer/trash rates. A second reading will be held; the third reading will be waived.
According to the ordinance, customer deposits shall be required of all customers who are tenants. All tenants shall pay a water deposit of $100. Deposits will be refunded after the tenant vacates the rental unit and the final utility bill is paid.
Water service rates shall include the following: Each dwelling unit, apartment unit, mobile home, house, business and industry shall be considered as one sewer account and shall pay a base rate of $23.81 per month for water service and $4.99 per 1,000 gallons of water used. There shall be required of every customer a connection fee in the amount of $25 upon occupation of premises at a new address.
The fee for residential refuse collection and disposal services used or available shall be $15.75 per month. For each commercial, industrial or institutional establishment, the fee shall be set by the collector according to the amount of solid waste accumulated.
Regarding rate of sewer rent: Each dwelling unit, apartment unit, mobile home, house, business and industry shall be considered as one sewer account and shall pay a base rate of $30.38 per month for sewer service and $6.26 per 1,000 gallons of water used. Multiple dwelling units, including mobile home courts, together with commercial units that are serviced from a single water meter shall be charged a minimum charge for sewer service in the amount of $30.38 per month multiplied by the number of dwelling units and mobile homes together with commercial units serviced from the water meter.
The council approved a list of requests presented by the Lansing Lions Club for the annual Fish Days celebration, including the following financial requests: $500 for fireworks display; $750 for sound system expenses; and $6,900 for Porta Potty service and tent rental from Ness Pumping. The vote for approval was not unanimous.
In an email following the meeting, council member Steve Murray explained his dissenting vote: “From my research through the State Auditor’s office and experience with past city audits by the State Auditor, it is my understanding that a city is not allowed to give a nonprofit taxpayer funds. My suggestion was that the city should be billed directly from the various businesses that make Fish Days the great event it is. (i.e., Porta Potty rental, sound system, fireworks, etc.),” he said.
The council approved forgiveness of $55.57 from the water bill at 60 South Second Street. The council also approved forgiveness of $407.63 from the water bill at 838 Main Street.
The council approved spending $1,850 to pay for council member Ian Zahren and City Clerk Katie Becker to attend a Proposal-Writing Studio/Workshop Series this fall. The workshop series, sponsored by Main Street Lansing, is aimed at helping municipal and non-profit organizations in their efforts to write proposals for grants. The workshops begin August 31.
Organizations attending will include LIFT, City of Lansing, City of New Albin, Allamakee County Conservation, NAIL (New Albin Improvement League), Main Street Lansing and Aendre (a new non-profit artists’ venue in Ferryville, WI). The series includes four workshops, plus an individual coaching component which will last an additional six weeks.
The council approved a $2,000/year water limit at Main Street Plaza. The water will be used primarily to water the flowerpots on Main Street. In an email following the meeting, Main Street Lansing Executive Director Andrew Boddicker explained that “it isn’t a new arrangement; they’ve always done it. What is different this time is that we now have a meter on the water hook-up which will keep track of our usage. Before this past June, it was not metered.”
The council approved hiring Carter Verthein at a rate of $8.50/hour to handle concessions at the swimming pool on days where guards on the clock can’t cover both the pool and concessions. The council also approved back pay for previous hours.
Lansing Chief of Police Conrad Rosendahl presented the council with a bid from AXON to replace in-car cameras, at a cost of roughly $5,000 per year starting in 2024. The council will vote on this item at its next regular meeting. Chief Rosendahl also informed the council that the Karvel murder trial is set to begin Wednesday, August 16, and that the trial will be held at the Allamakee County Courthouse in Waukon.
In other business, the council adopted the following resolutions: Resolution No. 993, waiving the right to review the Steiber subdivision plat because the plat is not within the City’s zone of interest for future city development; and Resolution No. 994, regarding the removal of a streetlight on Dodge Street. The council also approved a marina dredging quote from Weymiller Marine, Inc., in the amount of $24,000.
Regarding monuments near the Black Hawk Bridge, the City will arrange for these monuments to be moved to a temporary storage area until the new bridge is completed. Representatives from AffordaCare Insurance, Waukon reviewed what they could offer the City in terms of health insurance.
A special meeting to discuss tax abatement has been scheduled for Monday, September 11 at 5:30 p.m., in Lansing City Hall. The next regular meeting of the Lansing City Council is scheduled for Monday, August 21 at 7 p.m. in Lansing City Hall.