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Peoples State Bank presented a donation to the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High School in mid-August, prior to a recent livestock judging event for the chapter. The donation was made to show the bank’s appreciation for all the local chapter does to promote and encourage ag education in the classroom and within the community. The donated funds came from the Peoples State Bank employee promotion fund which is a result of various internal activities including wearing jeans to work on certain Fridays during the year.
Pictured above are members of the bank staff and Little Switzerland FFA Chapter. Left to right - Front row: Chapter President Natalie Byrnes, Vice President Ethan Gibbs, Secretary Sarah Stock and Treasurer Caleb Helgerson; Back row: Peoples State Bank Branch Manager Lesa Moose, Ag Relationship Manager Brian Mahoney and Ag Relationship Manager Reid Mahoney, and Little Switzerland FFA Chapter Sentinel Ryan Kolsrud, Student Advisor Alyssa Connelly, Reporter Mercedes Wilkins, Historian Molly Peake and Chapter Advisor Ms. Jessica O’Connor. Submitted photo.