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Home ›Public invited to VFW/Legion Missing Man Ceremony, dedication event September 15
Friday, September 15 at 1 p.m., the Lansing VFW Post and Auxiliary and the Lansing American Legion Post #50 will commemorate National POW/MIA Recognition Day with a Missing Man Ceremony and Dedication of the Ralph Bartels Patio located next to the shelter on Mt. Hosmer in Lansing.
Ralph Bartels was a member of the Lansing Gustave F. Kerndt VFW Post #5981 and served for 50 years as Post Adjutant in the Lansing American Legion #50.
Everyone is invited to attend this special ceremony. The Missing Man ceremony honors those still missing from this Nation’s past wars and conflicts, as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice and whose remains have not yet been recovered and returned home to the country they served.