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Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
November 1: Organic Certification Cost-Share and Transition/Education Certification Program
December 4: Last Day to Return COC Ballots
December 15: Crop Reporting for Fall-Seeded Small Grains
January 31: Livestock Forage Program (LFP)
Conservation Update
submitted by Ben Cottrell, District Conservationist, NRCS
It is not too late to think about planting cover crops this fall. We are still within the seeding window and have some limited funding available for cover crop cost share if you are still interested this fall.
Planning between the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and producers are critical to implementing cover crops successfully on your farm. Adjusting a cropping system to incorporate cover crops must be done strategically to gain benefit without disrupting the system. Seeding outside the recommended seeding windows adds additional risk to establishing and gaining benefit from cover crops.
Typically, the cover crop seeding window was developed using historical weather records to provide a high confidence of establishing the species when seeded within these windows. Seeding after the published dates decreases survivability and establishment probability.
This year we will allow producers to seed winter hardy cover crop species or mixes after the last original published seeding date and prior to December 21, 2023, if they acknowledge the additional risk and will incorporate strategies into the management system to increase success.
Stop in the office if you are interested or would like more information on how to apply for cost share.