CPKC Holiday Train to make stops in Lansing and New Albin this Friday ...

The Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited (CPKC) Holiday Train is scheduled to make its return to the Lansing and New Albin areas again this year as part of its 2023 trek to help raise money, food and awareness for local food banks in communities along the CPKC network. The festive railway celebration is scheduled to make its way through northeast Iowa this Friday, December 8 with local stops in Marquette (from 1:45-2:30 p.m.), Lansing (from 3:50-4:30 p.m.) and New Albin (from 5:15-6 p.m.). The two Allamakee County visits in Lansing and New Albin will find the Holiday Train coming to a stop near the ballfield in Lansing along South Front Street between North 2nd and Dodge Streets. The New Albin stop will take place near the parking lot adjacent to the railroad tracks on Railroad Avenue between Ross Avenue and Oak Street. Those attending the event are asked to bring a cash or non-perishable food donation if they are able. Those local donations, along with a presentation from Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited, will benefit the Allamakee County Food Shelf, Lansing Iowa Food Trust (LIFT) and the Way Station in New Albin. Submitted photo.