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4D High-Definition Ultrasound available ... The Radiology Department at Veterans Memorial Hospital has upgraded its 4D High-Definition Ultrasound Equipment with a new 4D machine. Now expecting families in the community will be able to view their baby’s face and profile even more clearly than before. The standard 2D imaging looks through the baby to show the internal organs, but with the 3D and 4D scans, parents can see their baby’s skin. Pictured above is Rachel Wagner, Ultrasonographer, next to this new 4D-capable machine. Submitted photo.
The Radiology Department at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) has upgraded its High-Definition 4D Ultrasound with a new machine. The first 4D ultrasound machine at VMH was adopted in 2016, but with technology and software updates continuously changing, a newer machine was purchased to help obtain even clearer and more precise images for the Radiologists to view.
Also, ergonomics are huge in Ultrasound to prevent musculoskeletal injuries. The new machine allows for much more adjustability and comfort while scanning patients. The newer version of the Ultrasound also makes it easier to travel into different patient rooms, since sometimes patient conditions and room conditions don’t allow for optimal body mechanics and mobility. In addition, different machine functions help decrease exam times to get results to the physician in a timely fashion.
4D Ultrasounds allow families to view their baby before birth in a whole new way. In addition to black and white images that are sometimes hard to visualize, 3D and 4D images are taken of the baby, actually allowing the parents to see their baby’s face while still in the womb.
“Having an Ultrasound for new moms is exciting as it is, and a 4D Ultrasound makes it that much more exciting,” states Rachel Wagner, Ultrasonographer at Veterans Memorial Hospital. “With 4D Ultrasound, not only can you see the baby’s profile, but you can see his or her entire face and now those images will be even more clear! It is truly amazing technology.”
4D ultrasounds create a live video effect, like a movie, so parents can watch their baby smile, yawn, or suck their thumb. The standard 2D imaging looks through the baby to show the internal organs. With 3D and 4D scans, parents can see their baby’s skin rather than the insides. This also makes it easier to diagnose certain birth defects, such as cleft lip, which can help the doctors and the parents be more prepared to care for the infant and plan for any needed repair after birth.
VMH Ultrasound services are available by appointment four days a week. For more information, contact the Veterans Memorial Hospital Radiology Department at 563-568-3411.