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Home ›Doug Wolfe announces candidacy for Iowa House of Representatives District 64
Doug Wolfe of Elkader announces he is seeking the Republican nomination for Iowa House of Representatives District 64 currently held by Anne Osmundson of Volga. District 64 encompasses all of Allamakee County and Clayton County, and a portion of Dubuque County which includes the town of Holy Cross.
Wolfe was born and raised in Cedar Rapids where he graduated from George Washington High School. He then attended Kirkwood Community College and later received a bachelor’s degree from Life Christian University.
Wolfe is a real estate broker/businessman and co-founder of Marriage Minded Ministries. Wolfe has been owner/operator of dental studios, cafes and sporting goods stores. In more recent years, Wolfe has served as a campaign advisor and manager for Arizona Congressional candidates focusing on the constitution and important issues for the people.
Since 1981 Wolfe has shared his life with his wife, Julie Wolfe, a surgical nurse. They live south of Elkader and have four children and 15 grandchildren.
Wolfe believes that:
• A strong Christian voice is important to Iowans.
• Families, rural generational farms and small businesses are the backbone of Iowa.
• Protecting the liberties and the rights of all Iowans must be foremost to leadership.
• Opening opportunity doors for all Iowans to prosper plus attracting new investments are paramount to Iowa’s future.
• Most importantly, protecting and defending the constitution are not just words to say, they are a legacy our forefathers gave us. Standing firm safeguards and fulfills that promise.
Wolfe has the support of Anne Osmundson, whose term ends early next year and who is not seeking re-election. The Primary Election will be held Tuesday, June 4 this year, while the General Election is set for November 5.
Wolfe can be reached by email at, by telephone at 563-245-3530, or on his Facebook page, Doug Wolfe for Iowa.