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Home ›Word for Word 3/27/24
In a few days we are celebrating Easter which is the oldest Christian feast day and most important day and season of the church year. We shall rejoice in our Risen Savior! The resurrection of Jesus is recorded in the four Gospels and written about throughout the New Testament. St. Paul wrote extensively about the resurrection and penned that without the Resurrection, “then empty is our preaching; empty, too, your faith … and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14, 17a).
Is our Faith vain? Absolutely not! Because our hope and trust is in the Lord. The hope of Jesus’ resurrection does not deny sin, suffering, hardships or loss; it acknowledges and overcomes them! Darkness and death do not have the final word. God does! Jesus is proof of this. He brings hope to fruition; Jesus plants in our hearts the conviction that God is able to make everything work for good, since even from the empty tomb near Calvary he brings life.
May the Easter message fill you with unshakable hope, joy, trust, glory, love and faith. Then nothing can extinguish our inner spirit of confidence.
I am praying during these sacred days and the Easter season that everyone will experience the joy of Jesus’ resurrection and rejoice for his coming into our life every day. Join me in this Easter Prayer [below] and realize more than ever that He is now with each one of us and dwells with us. Not even death could keep him from us.
Bask in the light of Jesus’ resurrection and the new life he promises to all of us. Alleluia is the Easter word; sing or repeat it to yourself often as you journey throughout the 50 days of the Easter season.
An Easter Prayer: Jesus, risen from the dead, give us the grace … of using our senses to see you, of knowing that you make all things new and all things possible, of trusting that your love for us leads us to fullness of life. In our living and our dying, may your Good News be proclaimed. Amen. Catherine Upchurch, Not by Bread Alone, p. 99
Father John Moser
St. Patrick Catholic Church Waukon
St. Mary Catholic Church Hanover and Dorchester