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Home ›Iowa Attorney General meets with local authorities to discuss proposed legislation regarding assaults on first responders and a plan to create a cold case unit in Iowa
by Joe Moses
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird visited WW Homestead Dairy in Waukon Thursday, April 4 for an industry tour in addition to meeting with Allamakee County and City of Waukon law enforcement agencies to discuss a variety of matters. Among the representatives of local law enforcement present, Allamakee County Sheriff Clark Mellick and Waukon Police Chief Paul Wagner talked with and provided feedback to Attorney General Bird.
Bird updated those present about proposed legislative matters and discussions at the State level relating to the handling of illegal drug trafficking, cold cases and penalties for assaulting first responders and law enforcement, among other matters.
Following a tour of the WW Homestead Dairy cheese production area, Bird discussed other stops to take place that day, including Mobile Track Solutions in Clayton County and an event in Dubuque County with additional stops scheduled later that week to include Jackson, Jones, Delaware and Buchanan Counties.
Bird shared further details relating to the proposed Cold Case Unit which she has recommended with funding being requested from the Iowa Legislature. She noted that over 400 cold cases are unsolved in Iowa and that she has received strong support from law enforcement agencies relating to the creation of the Cold Case Unit. Bird further noted the importance of utilizing new technology, DNA evidence and turning over new leads in addition to the pursuit of new witness testimony.
Relating to the increase of assaults on law enforcement and first responder personnel, Bird stated, “As a prosecutor, I believe we need to increase the penalties for people that assault law enforcement. Whether it’s a deputy, police officer, jailer, firefighter, we are seeing those assaults increase.” Bird further advised that legislation has been presented to the Iowa Legislature, which has shown support for this measure, as it continues to move forward.