Heavy rains result in landslides and road closure ...

A portion of Valley Street on the southwest edge of Lansing, between Hickory Lane and South Road Drive, was closed Monday, June 3 through Wednesday, June 5 after heavy rains rolled through the Lansing area that Monday. Local reports of two to three inches of rain in a short period of time that Monday forced City of Lansing crews to shut down that portion of Valley Street (as pictured above), with crews working a quick clean-up of the mud and debris that had slid down on to the roadway by the time this photo was taken but remnants of the impact of the heavy rain still noticeable (in the middle of the above photo) on the road at the east end of that closure. The road was able to be opened back up Wednesday, June 5. There were also some additional local reports of small land slides on other properties located south of Lansing. Photo by Bob Modersohn.