National Certified Nursing Assistant Week; A dedicated and rewarding health care career

National CNA Week observed at VMH ... June 13-19 is National CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Week. Certified nursing assistants began working under the Red Cross program during World War I where they were trained to care for wounded soldiers. The career has continued to evolve over the years, becoming a key part of the health care team at most all health care facilities. Veterans Memorial Hospital utilizes CNAs in patient care on both the inpatient floor of the hospital and as Home Care Aides in the Community and Home Care Department. Pictured are two of the hospital CNAs including Melanie Krambeer, at left, and Rossy Rodriguez, at right. Submitted photo.

June 13-19 is National CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Week. Certified nursing assistants began working under the Red Cross program during World War I where they were trained to care for wounded soldiers. The career has continued to evolve over the years, becoming a key part of the health care team at most all health care facilities.

Veterans Memorial Hospital utilizes CNAs in patient care on both the inpatient floor of the hospital and as Home Care Aides in the Community and Home Care Department.  CNAs on the patient floor assist the patients with daily personal cares, eating, walking, and being an advocate during their hospitalization.

Corinne Cook, RN, teaches the Certified Nursing Assistant course at Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) and knows the importance and great need for this professional position.  She states, “I have always had a great respect for the special people in the CNA profession. I have been very fortunate to work alongside some of the best CNAs around! I would best describe a CNA as compassionate, caring and giving. If you are looking into a career, either new to the workforce or considering a change, what a better opportunity. NICC offers a 76-hour program which includes lecture, lab and clinicals to prepare you to enter this workforce. The CNA courses are offered at various times and locations throughout the year.  There are several opportunities for employment in the area. I would encourage everyone to take the time to give a special thanks to the CNAs that are currently providing that exceptional care to the ill and elderly.”

The Home Care Aide position at Veterans Memorial Hospital also requires this CNA certification. Home Care Aides can provide assistance with personal cares including bathing, dressing, exercises, and support with other activities necessary to allow individuals to remain safely in the comfort of their own homes.

The hospital also utilizes students as part-time CNAs during high school which is a great way for students to explore medical careers.  Many nursing students also work as CNAs while going to college for nursing to gain valuable experience.

For more information on the versatile Certified Nursing Assistant career, call VMH at 563-568-3411.