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Home ›Waukon Chamber of Commerce Wine with the Witches this Thursday sets the stage for a weekend of “spook”tacular events and fun ...

Wine with the Witches has become a celebratory downtown tradition in Waukon each October and retailers, restaurateurs, and local vendors are gearing up for the 2024 event scheduled for this Thursday, October 24. The festivities begin at 4 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. Attendees can expect giveaways, prize drawings, sales, dining specials, and of course, complimentary refreshments.
“As a business owner, I can vouch for the fact that this is a really fun night in downtown Waukon. We see groups of friends decked out in their witch gear having a good time. We love to have a busy night in the store, but more than that, we love to see Waukon bustling with good energy,” shared Brittany Horns, owner of Silver Laine Co., located on Main Street in Waukon.
One of the event’s main attractions is the Pumpkin Patch, which the Waukon Chamber of Commerce will host at the Waukon Economic Development building at 101 West Main Street. Attendees can select a pumpkin for their chance at a trick or a treat. Treats include shopping specials and giveaways from local businesses. There will be 200 pumpkins available - 100 given away at 4 p.m. and another 100 at 5:30 p.m. Pictured in the submitted photo above are, left to right, Waukon Chamber of Commerce Director Mandy Halverson and Chamber Board Member Nelly Cota at the Wine with the Witches Pumpkin Patch.
The Chamber’s event will kick off a series of other activities around town. They range from a free Halloween movie at Town Theater that same Thursday evening to local staples like the Iron Ridge Trunk or Treat and the FBLA Haunted Park Saturday, October 26. To close out the spooky season, the Chamber is also coordinating a Business Trick or Treat from 4-6 p.m. Halloween Night, October 31.
“I’m thrilled with the community collaboration for this upcoming weekend,” shared Chamber Director Mandy Halverson. “As we look for ways to elevate our community events for continued economic growth, this type of mindset helps us market and attract people regionally and fosters a team mentality that sets our business community apart.” For a list of participating businesses, see the full page advertisement in the October 16 edition of The Standard newspaper or visit the Wine with the Witches event page on Facebook. For a list of local Halloween events, see the Waukon Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.