EACSD Board approves second readings of two board policies regarding student organizations and school food program, among variety of matters

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) met at the Kee High School Board Room in  Lansing Monday, October 14. The meeting was called to order by Bobbie Goetzinger, Board President. The following board members were present: Bobbie Goetzinger, Melanie Mauss, Joe Manning and Arla Wagner. Board member Heather Lutz was absent.

Also present were Superintendent Nick Trenkamp, PK-12 Principal Donna Thomas, Dean of Students Chad Winters, and Board Secretary Michele Martin. Visitors included Ray Rankin, Dustin Stendel, Parker Leppert, Addyson Rankin, Kyle Mauss, and Kaden Colsch from the Lansing FFA Chapter, and  Dave Ellefson, EACSD Technology Coordinator.

After adopting the agenda, the usual authorizations were approved which included the October consent items, minutes of the September meeting, bills for October, Secretary’s Financial Statement, Activity and Food Service Reports for September.

The board was introduced to new staff members, including Art teacher Charlie Edge, paraprofessional Ella Strong, Social Studies teachers Simon Carlson and Claire Chandler-Brennan, and paraprofessional Lauren Johnson.

The board approved the overnight trip for the FFA National Convention being held from October 22-26 in Indianapolis, IN. FFA Advisor Ray Rankin and his students reviewed the trip activities scheduled at the convention with the board.

In personnel matters, Theresa Havlik was approved as the Newspaper Sponsor. Resignations were approved for secretary Deliverance Hope and paraprofessional Lisa Wagner.

The board approved the filing of the Fiscal Year 2024 financial reports. Those included the Certified Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report, Transportation Report and the Special Education Supplement Report.

Approval was also given to the resolution to request to the School Budget Review Committee for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental Aid for the 2023-2024 Special Education Program deficit of $310,419.05, or as calculated by the Department of Management. In addition, the board approved EL Excess Costs application for 2023-2024 in the amount of $2,924.22.

To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, October 30, 2024 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.