Election Essentials: Important Election reminders

Election Essentials is a weekly series of articles offering a variety of information regarding elections in Iowa and Allamakee County prior to this year’s November 5 General Election. The information is being provided courtesy of Allamakee County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Denise Beyer.

As Election Day quickly approaches, Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer reminds all voters of the important dates and deadlines related to the November 5, 2024 General Election.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 the Auditor’s office is open until 5 p.m. Stop in and vote.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 the Auditor’s office is open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. for absentee voting.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - Election Day - polling places are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
An absentee ballot by mail must be received in the Auditor’s office by the close of polls, 8:00 p.m., on Election Day to be counted. Ballots received after the close of polls cannot be counted.
Ballots returned by mail or by hand can be tracked at https://sos.iowa.gov/. Click Track Your Absentee Ballot on the right side menu and enter the required information. If the Auditor has received the ballot, the date will show in the box that states “Ballot Received by Auditor”.

There are several resources available to voters to find election-related information, as described below:
The Allamakee County Elections website - https://allamakeecountyelections.iowa.gov/ - has news items, deadlines and special dates, sample ballots, a candidate list, polling locations and addresses, and which cities and/or townships vote at each location. It also has links a voter can click to see if they are registered and where they vote. On election night, results will be posted on this website.
Text Alerts are now an option to sign up to receive election reminders. To sign up for the Text Alert option, voters can go to the election website listed above and click the Sign up for Election Reminders icon. A person can also scan the QR code at the end of this article with a cell phone camera to be directed to the Allamakee County Election website.
The Allamakee County Elections Facebook page is a resource for important dates and news. Before and on Election Day the Auditor’s office will post information or links related to common questions, such as “where do I vote?”.
Calling the Auditor’s office at 563-568-3522 is another way to obtain information such as polling location, was your absentee ballot received, or the deadline for a voter to bring in a mailed absentee.

POLLING SITES are as follows:
• Waterloo and Hanover Townships - Precinct 1 - St. Mary’s Church, 490 Waterloo Creek Drive, Dorchester
• French Creek, Jefferson, Ludlow, Makee and Union Prairie Townships - Precinct 2 - Waukon Events Center, 612 Rossville Rd, Waukon
• Post and Franklin Townships and City of Postville - Precinct 3 - Memorial Hall (Turner Hall), 119 E Greene St, Postville
• Paint Creek and Linton Townships and City of Waterville - Precinct 4 - Waterville School Community Center, 115 Main St, Waterville
• Fairview and Taylor Townships and City of Harpers Ferry - Precinct 5 - Harpers Ferry Community Center, 238 North 4th, Harpers Ferry
• Center, Lafayette and Lansing Townships and City of Lansing - Precinct 6 - Immaculate Conception Church, 648 Main St, Lansing
• Union City and Iowa Townships and City of New Albin - Precinct 7 - New Albin Community Center, 137 Railroad Ave SW, New Albin
• Waukon Ward 1 - Precinct 8 - NICC Center-Room 109 - 1220 3rd Ave NW, Waukon
• Waukon Ward 2 - Precinct 9 - St. John’s Lutheran Church, 8 - 5th St SW, Waukon
• Waukon Ward 3 - Precinct 10 - Allamakee County Courthouse, 110 Allamakee St, Waukon.

The goal of providing multiple ways for voters to obtain information is to reach more voters, educate and provide information to them, and to increase voter turnout. “We want to make sure every eligible voter has the information they need to actively engage in the voting process,” said Commissioner of Elections Denise Beyer. The use of social media, texting and the internet website provides many opportunities for voters to find the information they need quickly, at any time of any day.

Your Auditor’s office should be your trusted source for all election information. Any other source may contain incorrect or misleading information. Unfortunately, voters should always question if what they are seeing or reading is true and not believe everything is from a trustworthy source. Contact the Allamakee County Auditor’s office at 563-568-3522 for accurate information or to report details on anything questionable or suspicious.