Birth announcement: Pattison

Justin Pattison and Brittany Byrnes of New Albin announce the birth of their daughter, Harley Austin Pattison, born November 25, 2024 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. She weighed 8 lbs. 4 ozs. and measured 21 inches in length at the time of her birth. She joins siblings, Jordan (17), Chezlee (14), Leirah (10), KJ (5), Izik (9) and Axel (12).

Grandparents are Jeff and Martha Byrnes of New Albin and Brian and Lori Pattison of Sumner. Great-grandparents are Betty Wenthold of Cresco, Dennis Byrnes of Waukon, Joyce and James Pattison of Fayette and Janet Brant of Oelwein.