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Home ›ACSD Board of Directors approves new hires, resignations and retirements, hears updates from all centers and departments
by Brianne Grimstad
The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting Monday, December 16. Board member Scott Melcher was absent from the meeting.
Under the Consent Agenda, the board approved the following hires, pending a satisfactory background check: Kids Club Staff; Tim Bulman (.5) and Kyle Gordon (.5), Boys Assistant Varsity Wrestling Coach; John Lawrence, Elementary Night Custodian; Daryl Roe, Assistant Varsity Softball Coach; and Agnes Garin, Substitute Bus Driver. The board also voted to increase the pay for the bus barn mechanic to $32 per hour in an effort to keep compensation for that position competitive and in line with current trends.
The board accepted the following resignations: Dallas Howe, Elementary Paraprofessional; Stephanie Iverson, Elementary Paraprofessional, and Carrie Etten, Middle School Paraprofessional. The board also accepted three resignations, due to retirement: Theresa Jacobs, Teacher; Pat Klinge, High School Paraprofessional; and Andy Sires, Teaching and Coaching Contracts.
Also under the Consent Agenda, the board approved a trip to Washington D.C., Mount Vernon, Charlottesville, Gettysburg and Chicago through Legacy Student Travel for eighth grade students July 27 through August 3, 2025. The board also approved an FFA Officer Retreat to Rochester, MN December 30 of this year, and approved the Grand View University Student Teaching Agreement.
During the public comment time of the meeting, the board heard from Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker on the Allamakee County Hazard Mitigation Plan Review. Snitker provided the board members with packets highlighting the plan for Allamakee County. The discussion touched on various grants the district could apply for if there were appropriate projects, and there was also discussion about back-up generators for the school district.
The ELA (English Language Arts) professional learning team gave a presentation. Tess Hawes, Jaydon Snitker and Lisa Snitker discussed the criteria they look at, how they can determine if students have learned the material, what to do if students are not learning material or if they already know the material, and also some of the activities they do. Lisa Snitker brought some examples of books that students have read and she also talked about some of the author talks students have been able to partake in.
To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, December 18, 2024 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.