Lansing City Council addresses variety of items with water system upgrade project, hears police department update and comment on police response

by Joshua Sharpe

The Lansing City Council convened Monday, December 16 addressing a wide-ranging agenda that included infrastructure updates, public safety initiatives, and administrative challenges. The water system improvements project involving Platt, North and Fourth Streets occupied much of the business that was approved at the meeting, with the council also discussing requests by the fire department and police department.

The council reviewed and approved Resolution 1037, which facilitates the engagement of Fehr Graham for engineering oversight of the water system improvement project involving Platt, North and Fourth Streets. Mayor Mike Verdon underscored the importance of this resolution, stating, “We must review and consider Resolution 1037, which pertains to the retention of Fehr Graham’s services.” The financial agreement allocates $76,500 for engineering services and supplemental costs for time and materials as construction on the project progresses.

Nicholas LaRosa from Fehr Graham further explained, “The initial service was focused on design, and as we enter the construction phase, these services will pertain to construction management.” The resolution received unanimous approval.

LaRosa also presented the plans to reconstruct Platt Street, Fourth Street and North Street. Mayor Verdon affirmed, “You have the plans here; they are indeed complete.”

LaRosa elaborated, “In general terms, the reconstruction efforts involve updates to Platt Street, Fourth Street, and a segment of North Street.” Addressing potential environmental concerns, council member Mike Manning assured attendees, “Any trees that will be removed are located on City property.”

The council reviewed the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permit necessary for the forthcoming stormwater management project. Mayor Verdon stated, “The permit fee amounts to $175, which requires our approval.” The council subsequently approved the motion.

Resolution 1035 was introduced to provide for a notice of hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Platt, North, and Fourth Streets improvements project and the accepting of bids for the project. Mayor Verdon stated, “Resolution 1035 establishes the schedule, including a mandate for posting dates to be no less than 13 days and no more than 45 days in advance.” The resolution was approved unanimously by the council.

The council also formally approved contracts with Dorsey & Whitney LLP to provide bond counsel services for two significant projects. Mayor Verdon stated, “The approximate principal amount will be $650,000, with a corresponding fee of $10,000” for the Water System Project.

Regarding the Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Project, the principal has been established at $750,000, accompanied by a bond counsel fee of $13,000. Both motions received unanimous approval.

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