ACSD Board of Directors sets public hearing date for 2025-2026 school calendar, hears updates from all centers and departments

by Brianne Grimstad

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, January 21. The reason for the change in the meeting date was the observance of Martin Luther King Day Monday, January 20, which would have been the board’s regular meeting day.

The February regular monthly meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, instead of the regular Monday meeting night, due to observance of the Presidents Day holiday. Board member Kelly Deeney was absent from the January 21meeting.

Under the Consent Agenda, the following personnel were hired, pending a satisfactory background check: Robert Johanningmeier, Middle School Paraprofessional; Brianna Meyer, Elementary Night Custodian; Emma Hatlan, Part-Time Elementary Paraprofessional; and Ella Dehli, Part-Time Elementary Paraprofessional. The resignation of John Lawrence from the Elementary Night Custodian position was approved.

The following transfers were also approved: Jacob Homp from Middle School Custodian to High School Custodian; Cassie Schellsmidt from High School Custodian to Middle School Custodian; Karlie Goldstine from Third Grade to Fifth Grade Social Studies; and Dillon Daniel from Head 7th and 8th Grade to Assistant Varsity Football Coach. Two open enrollments out of the district were also approved.

During the Communications segment of the meeting, the board heard a presentation from the Kindergarten Professional Learning Team and how they use WIN (What I Need) time with the Kindergarten classes.

In his report to the board, ACSD Superintendent Jay Mathis noted that he had met with the AEA (Area Education Administration) in mid-January, along with other area superintendents, to discuss what services will be requested from the AEA in the area of Educational Services. Mathis explained that the AEA needed some type of commitment from the school districts they serve so they could determine what educational services would be needed.

Mathis also reported that he and Buildings and Grounds department head Bill Hennessy met with Don Van Dyun from SEE Electric to discuss options for a back-up generator that would supply limited power to some critical areas of the school should there ever be a long-term power outage. There was some discussion on whether or not there are actually any grants out there for funding for a generator, as well as the possibility of using a portable diesel generator.

In her report, Waukon High School Principal Jennifer Garin noted that she is working on completion of the Secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Reporting Application. She also gave an update on the student-built house, noting that students are working on mudding and taping drywall with the goal of having the house textured and painted by early February.

All 16 Welding students have completed their Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10 industry-recognized credentialing. The Welding class is looking for community projects for the fourth quarter and will fabricate fire pits again this year.

To read the full article, pick up the Wednesday, January 29, 2025 print edition of The Standard or subscribe to our e-edition or print edition by clicking here.