Crews set bridge beams in place ...

This past week saw the premise of the new bridge over the Mississippi River at Lansing begin to take shape even more as crews from project contractor Kraemer North America set 15 decking support beams in place on the Wisconsin side of the project, with five such beams spanning from the east bridge abutment to Pier 5, five more from Pier 5 to Pier 4, and five more from Pier 4 to Pier 3. As pictured in the surrounding photos, the laying of the beams was performed by two large cranes, with the long beams being delivered by semi tractor and trailer combinations that had steerable rear wheels on the trailers in order to accommodate sharper turns, such as what they experienced turning off Wisconsin Hwy. 35 onto Hwy. 82 (the dike road) just east of the bridge location. Photos courtesy of the Iowa Department of Transportation.