

What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: CRP Primary Nesting Season
July 4: Office Closed – Independence Day
July 12: End of July Continuous CRP Batching Period
July 15: Certification/Acreage Reporting Deadline for FY24

Managing your pasture to reduce soil erosion from the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) News Archive
When it comes to soil erosion and surface runoff from agriculture land, tillage and row-crop management attract a lot of attention. However, most Iowa land currently in pasture is unsuitable for crop production because of steep slopes. These slopes make pasture even more vulnerable to water erosion.

Mismanaged pasture can contribute substantially to water quality degradation due to soil erosion and sediment transport to nearby water bodies.


Resources available to assist farmers with mental health

Oftentimes in rural communities, when a neighbor is in need, farmers are the first to step up and help. Yet when they’re the ones in need of assistance, they hesitate to ask for that same help they so freely give.

Spring can be a stressful time for some area farmers as they prepare for another growing season, and that stress can have a negative effect on their mental health. That’s why officials at Gundersen Health System say farmers need to focus on themselves and reach out when feeling overwhelmed by the demands of their work – even if that’s something they’re not inclined to do.

Fortunately, there are several mental health resources geared specifically toward farmers, as well as those anyone can access. Organizations such the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation supports farmers facing stress due to low market prices, poor weather and other factors.


What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: CRP Primary Nesting Season
June 19 - August 1: Nomination Period for COC Election in LAA
June 19: Office Closed – Juneteenth Observance
July 4: Office Closed – Independence Day
July 12: End of July Continuous CRP Batching Period
July 15: Certification/Acreage Reporting Deadline for FY24


Receive instant pest alerts directly to your cell phone

Stay atop of pest issues with this text-based service

Crop farmers and others involved with crop production can receive instant updates on the latest insect pest issues in Iowa.

The Iowa Pest Alert Network provides short, timely updates via text messaging to farmers and crop consultants, agronomists and extension who advise farmers. This free, user-friendly service provides timely scouting information about pests in your area.

The website provides links to information about key pests in the Midwest, degree day mapping, regional updates and supplemental publications. There is also an archive listing of past pest alerts.

All a user needs is a cell phone number. Sign up by visiting the Pest Alert Network website, at

The user can customize the service to receive specific pest alerts based on specific pests, or per region of Iowa.


What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: CRP Primary Nesting Season
June 19: Office Closed – Juneteenth
July 4: Office Closed – Independence Day
July 15: Acreage Reporting Deadline for FY24

Cost Sharing Available
Cost sharing on conservation practices is still available. Through the State of Iowa Division of Soil Conservation, IDALS, applications are taken continuously for terraces, grade stabilization structures (ponds), sediment basins (dry ponds) and waterways. The cost sharing is 50 percent up to the estimated cost.


Iowa Area Board launches Farmers Against Cancer

The American Cancer Society Iowa Area Board launched the new Farmers Against Cancer (FAC) program to raise awareness for farmers facing cancer. The program is also focused on raising funds and creating corporate partnerships to help combat cancer through advocacy,  research and patient support.

“We want to combat cancer and help Iowans access the screenings and treatments they need to prevent, detect, treat and survive cancer,” said Britt Von Roden, Iowa Area Board member and FAC creator. “When I began thinking about how we could make a difference I immediately thought of the farmers who help this state thrive. I knew we had to rally around this small but mighty community, and I’m inspired thinking about the positive impact we can have collectively on a disease that affects so many.”


What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: CRP Primary Nesting Season
May 31: Deadline to apply for a Marketing Assistance Loan (MAL) for 2023 crops
June 19: Office Closed – Juneteenth
July 4: Office Closed – Independence Day
July 15: Acreage Reporting Deadline for FY24

2024 Crop Acreage Reporting
2024 acreage certification map packets have been sent to all operators in Allamakee County the last week of April. Be sure to look through your packets to verify all your operated farms were included.

Policy Updates for Acreage Reporting
The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) recently made several policy updates for acreage reporting for cover crops, revising intended use, late-filed provisions, grazing allotments as well as updated the definitions of “idle” and “fallow.”


Breakfast on the Farm scheduled for June 22

Join the Northeast Iowa Dairy and Agriculture Foundation in celebrating National Dairy Month with Breakfast on the Farm Saturday, June 22, from 8 a.m. - 12 Noon at Iowa’s Dairy Center, located just south of Calmar at 1527 Highway 150 South.

Enjoy a wholesome, dairy-rich breakfast of Dad’s Belgian Waffles served with real butter and whipped cream, sausage, ham, cheese, yogurt, milk and ice cream. In addition to breakfast, visitors will enjoy activities including guided tram tours of Iowa’s Dairy Center, petting zoo, inflatables, corn pools, and more.

Breakfast on the Farm will be held rain or shine. Parking is available on-site and donations are appreciated. This event is made possible by generous support from community sponsors.

For more information, visit and follow along with the Breakfast on the Farm Facebook event.


What's Up at the USDA Office?

Upcoming Deadlines/Dates
May 15 - August 1: CRP Primary Nesting Season
May 31: Deadline to apply for a Marketing Assistance Loan (MAL) for 2023 crops
June 19: Office Closed – Juneteenth
July 4: Office Closed – Independence Day
July 15: Acreage Reporting Deadline for FY24

Cost Sharing Available
Cost sharing on conservation practices is still available. Through the State of Iowa Division of Soil Conservation, IDALS, applications are taken continuously for terraces, grade stabilization structures (ponds), sediment basins (dry ponds) and waterways.  The cost sharing is 50 percent up to the estimated cost.


Deadline is June 1 for Century and Heritage Farm applications

Farm families will be honored August 15 at the Iowa State Fair

The June 1 deadline for eligible Iowa farm owners to apply for Century or Heritage Farm recognition is quickly approaching, and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is encouraging farm families to apply today.

The program, which was created in partnership by the Department and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, honors families who have owned their farms for 100 years and 150 years, respectively. This is the 48th year of the Century Farm Program, which started in 1976 as part of the Nation’s Bicentennial Celebration. To date, more than 21,000 farms from across the state have received this distinction. This is the 18th year of the Heritage Farm Program and more than 1,800 farms have been recognized since this program began in 2006.


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