Community News


Supervisors discuss temporary access during Green Valley Bridge project, new drafts of flood plain hazard maps along with personnel matters and road project items during regular session

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, April 23 to address a full agenda of items including the approval of road rock resurfacing bids, discussion of a temporary access during the Green Valley Bridge project and the consideration of purchasing a vehicle from Fayette County for use by an Allamakee County Service Coordinator. There was no Public Comment.


Allamakee County Housing Needs Assessment holding public meetings

Allamakee County Economic Development (ACED) continues to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment with assistance from Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission. The housing needs assessment includes data, projections and recommendations for action. The public is invited and encouraged to attend public open houses to view the findings from the assessment, and to share their comments and ideas.

Two Public Meetings remain and they are scheduled to be held according to the following schedule:

• Waukon - Monday, April 30 at 5 p.m.
   - Hosted at Waukon’s Community Meal Site, First Presbyterian Church, beginning at 5 p.m.
• New Albin - Monday, May 7 at 5:30 p.m.
   - Hosted before the New Albin Improvement League meeting at 6:30 p.m.


NEI3A honors volunteers at Waukon Senior Meal Site

Waukon Meal Site volunteers honored by NEI3A at April 17 appreciation event ... Pictured above are some of the volunteers from the Waukon community who were honored at the volunteer appreciation event hosted by Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A) Tuesday, April 17 at the Senior Meal Site in the Waukon Wellness Center. NEI3A would also like to extend its appreciation to those who volunteer but were not able to attend. Pictured above, left to right, are: Front - Bonnie Hager, Betty Troendle, Rita Severson, Ruby Schoh. Back row - Verland Lenth, Ellen Lenth, Marge Harris, Jean Buntrock, Jim Harris, Jean Schon, Joe Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Sharon Olson, Lynn Williams, Kenneth Olson, Gus Berger. Not pictured but in attendance was Nona Sawyer. Submitted photo.

April is observed as National Volunteer Appreciation month and to celebrate local volunteer efforts, Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A) hosted a volunteer appreciation reception for its home-delivered and congregate meal site volunteers Tuesday, April 17 at the Senior Meal Site located at the Wellness Center in Waukon. Volunteers were recognized with a ceremony and a certificate.


Survey of Waukon residents to be conducted through May 4 will help determine eligibility for grant funding for new wastewater facility

The City of Waukon will be conducting an LMI (Low-and-Moderate Income) Survey during this week and next week to determine eligibility for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to help offset the costs of the City’s new wastewater treatment facility. Northeast Iowa RC&D has been contracted to conduct the door-to-door surveys of randomly selected residents.

Survey collection will take place the weeks of April 23-27 and April 30-May 4 during the evening hours. It is extremely important to the success of this application for funding that residents who are contacted complete the survey. All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and respondents can remain anonymous.

Those who have questions concerning the new wastewater treatment facility are asked to contact Dean Hilgerson, City of Waukon Manager, at 563-568-3492. For questions regarding the survey, contact Paul Berland, Northeast Iowa RC&D at 563-864-7112.


Supervisors approve FY19 health insurance recommendation from County’s Health Insurance Committee and comments to send to IWD, discuss County Social Services vehicle purchase

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, April 16 to address a full agenda of items, including the discussion of comments to be submitted regarding the proposed Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) service areas, a recommendation from the Health Insurance Committee regarding the Fiscal-Year 2019 health insurance coverage for County employees and discussion of a vehicle purchase from Fayette County for use by Allamakee County.

Without any members of the public in attendance during the Public Comment portion of the meeting, Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer briefly discussed that ballots have been received in compliance with the Uniform Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) mailing deadline of April 21 and that absentee voting will begin May 7 for the June primary election.


Waukon City Council appoints John Ellingson to fill council vacancy created by resignation, discusses Green Valley Getaway access

by Joe Moses

The Waukon City Council met Monday evening, April 16 to discuss a variety of matters, including business driveway access during the Green Valley Bridge replacement, a controlled burn of the retention basin and the hiring of a Park, Recreation and Wellness full-time employee. The Public Hearing for Amendment #1 for the City Budget for Fiscal-Year ending June 30, 2018 was opened and closed without any written or verbal comment.


Waukon Trees Forever annual tree planting event is set for May 5

Waukon Trees Forever will hold its annual spring tree planting Saturday, May 5. Volunteers are asked to gather at the Waukon City Park at 9 a.m. for tree planting within the park. Shovels, rakes and work gloves are about the only tools needed. Work will consist of planting trees and mulching them. Everyone is invited to help with the project. For more information contact Kenneth Olson at 563-568-4612.


Film on country schools ...

Robey Memorial Library in Waukon will be hosting a film about country schools and the “days gone by” in educating youth in Iowa and the Midwest Tuesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. The film “Country School: One room, one nation” is being presented by the Allamakee County Historical Preservation Commission. Light refreshments will be provided after the showing. Submitted image.


“Allamakee Libraries Rock” Community Project hosted by county libraries and ACED

Allamakee County libraries, including Delores Tillinghast Memorial Library in Harpers Ferry, Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library, New Albin Public Library, Postville Public Library, Waterville Public Library and Robey Memorial Library in Waukon, along with Allamakee County Economic Development, are hosting a new, fun activity for the whole community, entitled “Allamakee Libraries Rock” (ALR).

ALR is a fun way for individuals and their families or groups to share their creativity in the community by painting/decorating rocks with a positive message or image. Once a rock is decorated, it can be placed in a park, wayside, playground, nature trail, etc. for someone else to find. Follow the @Allamakeelibrariesrock Facebook page to post about rocks that have been hidden or found, and to see what others in the community are posting.


Waukon High School and ASAP hosting mock vehicle accident April 18 prior to Prom weekend

Waukon High School and Allamakee County Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) are working in collaboration with Allamakee County’s emergency services of fire, law enforcement, EMS, etc. to host a mock vehicle accident Wednesday, April 18. The event is scheduled to be held at approximately 2 p.m. near the Waukon High School parking lot and is being held prior to the local high school Prom celebrations as a reminder to students and parents to make good choices and be safe in their celebrations.


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