Sister Mary Anne McCormick, formerly of Waukon, will celebrate 50 years of religious life at a Mass and dinner with Presentation sisters, family and other invited guests to be held Saturday, September 24 at Sisters of the Presentation Mount Loretto, Dubuque. Also celebrating is Sister Marjorie Loughren of Cottage Grove, MN.
The life and spirit of 18th century Presentation Irish foundress Venerable Nano Nagle has inspired the personal faith journeys of Sisters Anne and Marjorie, who chose special scriptures with the theme “Blessed by God’s gift, strengthened by grace, received with gratitude” for their celebration.
Entering the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 8, 1966, Sister Mary Anne professed final vows in 1974 and Sister Marjorie in 1975. Sister Mary Anne McCormick, daughter of the late Leslie and Bernice (Ryan) McCormick of Waukon graduated from St. Patrick High School in Waukon and Clarke University in Dubuque.