

East Elementary Kid's Club program focuses on timely theme of "Summer Safety for Kids" during June session

Chris Dahlstrom of the Waukon Fire Department and Veterans Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service educated students on rescue efforts. Submitted photo.

Shawn Gordon with the Waukon Fire Department instructed students on how to locate victims in the event of a fire. Submitted photo.

''Summer Safety for Kids" was the theme for the East Elementary Kid's Club programming in Waukon during the month of June. All student activities and professional presentations provided information concerning the community services available for student protection. Presenters also provided the knowledge and strategies students may use to protect and/or defend themselves during the summer months and into the future.

The safety knowledge and strategies were then coordinated with the East Elementary academic curriculum of language arts, math, science/health, social studies and technology-STEAM (S-science, T-technology, E-engineering, A-art and M-math), for third, fourth and fifth grades by Mrs. Eileen Franks, Mr. Tyler O'Neill and Mrs. Pam Dundee.


Graduates with honors from Doctor of Pharmacy program at Drake University

Drake University in Des Moines has released its list of graduates following completion of the spring 2017 semester. Among those graduates is Keisha Troendle of Waukon, who graduated cum laude from the Doctor of Pharmacy program at Drake University. She is a 2011 graduate of Waukon High School and the daughter of Jeremy and Lana Troendle of Waukon.


Classical Conversations of Allamakee accepting new enrollments for 2017-18

CC of Allamakee staff ... Left to right: Robin Oden - Program Assistant, Lisa Hagen - Director of CC of Allamakee and Essentials tutor, Julie Bryce - Foundations tutor. Not pictured: Julie Janes - Foundations tutor. Submitted photo.

Classical Conversations (CC) of Allamakee is now accepting new enrollments and registrations for the 2017-2018 school year. CC of Allamakee is a Classical Christian Community that will be starting in the Waukon area at the New Life Christian Church Tuesdays, beginning September 5 of this year.

Lisa Hagen, director of the CC community in Waukon, stated, "I am really excited about having this educational opportunity for children in Waukon and the surrounding area. This has been God's vision all along for this area and He is using us in leadership to carry out that vision.  This educational opportunity will be in the middle of traditional homeschooling and public school. The parents will be able to teach their kids their values using a classical curriculum but also allowing for classroom experience with other students. We are looking forward to being an academic ministry to many families."


Waukon High School FBLA students participate in National Leadership Conference ...

Nineteen students from the Waukon High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter traveled to Anaheim, CA June 28-July 3 for the FBLA National Leadership Conference. These students joined more than 9,600 other high school students as they competed in business-related competitive events. Students also had the opportunity to attend workshops and listen to keynote speaker Rob Schallenberger. While in California, students visited Huntington Beach, Universal Studios, Newport Beach, Downtown Disney and attended an Anaheim Angels baseball game. Pictured above, left to right, are: Front row: Bailey Mathis, Mary VanderVelden, Callie Ferring, Maddie Ahlstrom, Ally Goltz. Second row: Austyn Ede, Caryssa Hermanson, Emma Hatlan, Laurel Keenan, Aubree Cota, Leah Bulman, Brock Hatlan. Back row: Lauryn Behrend, Sydney Ross, Jacob Hosch, Quinton Lewis, Logan Sullivan, Lauren Griffith, Brigid Berns. Submitted photo.


NICC Waukon Center offering Financial and Estate Planning classes

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions is offering the class “Financial Planning for Millenials” Wednesday, August 16 from 9-11 a.m. and “Estate Planning Essentials for Everyone” Thursday, September 7 from 3-5 p.m. at the NICC Waukon Center, located at 1220 Third Avenue NW.


Keystone Area Education Agency to offer Substitute Authorization Class in August

Keystone Area Education Agency (AEA) will be offering the required training course for the Iowa Substitute Authorization. This authorization allows an individual to substitute in a PK-12 classroom. For those who are a Certified Paraeducator, this assigned special education classroom may be at the elementary, middle school, junior high school or high school level.

The four core components of the course are Classroom Management, Strategies for Learning, Diversity and Ethics. Upon successful completion of the program the participant may apply to the Board of Educational Examiners for a license. A state and federal background check is also required. Local districts have the option of hiring individuals with the Substitute Authorization, but it does not guarantee employment. Interested parties are encouraged to check with their local district.

Anyone who meets the following five criteria is eligible to receive this authorization:


Free Summer Food Service Program returns to the Allamakee Community School District for the first two weeks in August

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) is participating in the Free Summer Food Service Program again this year. Menus for the final two-week session of the program in August accompany this article (at right). Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all children ages one through graduating seniors for free and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.

Meals will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis at the sites and times as follows:

• Waukon Middle School Cafeteria: Mondays-Fridays, August 1-14. Breakfast will be served from 8-9 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
• Waterville Elementary School: Mondays-Fridays, August 1-14. Breakfast will be served from 8-9:30 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11 a.m-12:30 p.m.


Income eligibility guidelines released for free and reduced school lunches within the state of Iowa for the 2017-2018 school year

The Iowa Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services has announced its policy for free and reduced price meals for children unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and the Afterschool Care Snack Program.

State and Local school officials have adopted the family size and income criteria viewable in the chart accompanying this article for determining eligibility.

Households may be eligible for free or reduced price meal benefits one of four ways listed below.


ISU Extension hosts Wonderful Worms Day Camp ...

Youth from Lansing (pictured in group photo above) and Waukon (pictured in group photo below) explored the wonderful world of worms in June. They received hands-on learning with roughly 1,000 composting worms. The youth started off with a worm questionnaire to test their knowledge and learned some surprising new facts, such as worms hatch from cocoons, they don’t have eyes or teeth, and they breathe through their skin. They were able to compare composting worms to nightcrawlers and get a better look at each with magnifying glasses. Youth learned more about worms while completing experiments which included testing if worms liked wet or dry surfaces, rough or smooth surfaces, if they preferred the light or dark, and also if worms had a preference for smells. Before leaving, youth made their own composting bins with newspaper, learning how much to add and how wet it should be.


ISU Extension and Outreach hosts Drone Camp ...

It’s a plane. It’s a helicopter. No, it’s a drone! Youth in third through fifth grades became more familiar with drones as they learned the different parts, terminology and rules and regulations of flying a drone. They first learned of the endless possibilities that law enforcement/fire departments use a drone for, such as locating missing people, reaching remote locations to observe damage, checking buildings for hot spots after a fire, dropping aid and many more. Youth learned about rotary wing and fixed wing aircrafts when experimenting with prop-copters and Styrofoam gliders. Some new terminology for the youth included words like roll, pitch and yaw, which are three dynamics that help create a flight path for planes and drones. Colin Brennan from Lansing brought his drone and explained to the youth some of the rules and regulations that he was to follow in order to use his drone for business, capturing photos and video.


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