

NICC Waukon Center to offer Sign Language class

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions is offering the two-session class “Beginning Sign Language Plus” Thursdays, October 6 and October 13, from 6-8 p.m. at the NICC Waukon Center, located at 1220 Third Avenue NW.

Designed for parents and caregivers of toddlers or communication-challenged individuals, this two-week class builds a basic 150-word vocabulary in American Sign Language (ASL). Using sign language lessens frustration by giving a baby the tool to clearly communicate specific thoughts, wants and needs before speech has developed.  For those who have taken this class before, this will be a refresher and an opportunity to build on known vocabulary.


Iowa Department of Education seeking public input on Every Student Succeeds Act at scheduled meetings

Iowa Department of Education leaders will hit the road this fall as part of a statewide tour to gather public input as they develop a plan to meet the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

ESSA, which replaces the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and will be fully implemented starting in the 2017-18 school year, provides a more reasonable balance between the role of states and the federal government in accountability for the success of all children. Under the reauthorized law, the federal government sets expectations, and states determine how schools will reach them.

Nine public input meetings will be held across Iowa from September through November. Each meeting will open with an overview of ESSA and the Department's goals for developing the state plan.


New keyboarding and guitar labs at St. Patrick School ...

St. Patrick School in Waukon has a pair of new labs for its music department, including a keyboarding lab and a guitar lab. The keyboarding lab consists of 16 MIDI keyboards which are hooked up to computers using MIDI-USB cables. The computers have headphones as well as two keyboarding programs for those who are beginners or those who are more advanced players. Each program has interactive, guided lessons that introduce students to the keyboard and playing their first songs. Each new concept is introduced gradually and there are also video tutorials and audio tracks to help the students master each song.


EACSD Board of Directors holds annual re-organizational meeting

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD was held at Kee High School in Lansing Monday, September 19. Since this was the annual organizational meeting of the school board in addition to being the regular board meeting, election of officers took place. Heather Schulte was elected board president. Bobbie Goetzinger was elected vice-president.

Goetzinger will also serve as the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) delegate and the Legislative Action Network (LAN) representative for the 2016-17 school year. Check signing authority and deposit authority was authorized for Heather Schulte, Bruce Palmborg, Janet Heiderscheit and Marian Verdon, and the new athletic director when that person is hired.
The following business items were discussed  and acted upon:


Buddy Bench available at East Elementary School ...

Anyone feeling left out, in need of a break or new to the school can check out the new Buddy Bench on the East Elementary School playground in Waukon. This bench was made possible through the After School Program Kids Club. It was built and painted by Colin Ferring’s Construction Club through the 10th Hour Middle School/High School Before and After School Program, and it was decorated by East Elementary Kids Club students. Colin Ferring, former Middle School/High School Community Connections coordinator Shala Llewellyn and East Elementary site coordinator Deb Kubitz are pictured above with some of the students who helped to construct the bench as well as some East Elementary Kids Club students. The bench was presented schoolwide at an assembly with some the students from the Kids Club Drama Club. Submitted photo.


NICC Waukon Center to offer class on Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions is offering the class “Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning” Tuesday, October 4 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the NICC Waukon Center, located at 1220 Third Avenue NW.

While it can be uncomfortable to discuss these issues, community members are encouraged to move past this discomfort, and do what’s best for themselves and family by exploring the fundamentals of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, probate and trust administration.

To register online for “Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning” (#51340) or for more information, visit, or call NICC Business and Community Solutions at 800-728-2256, ext. 399 (Calmar campus) or 563-568-3060 (NICC Waukon Center).


Robey Memorial Library to host session on iPad or Android tablet use

Anyone with an iPad or Android tablet is invited to visit Robey Memorial Library in Waukon Thursday, September 29 at 5:30 p.m. for a session on operating those devices. Attendees will learn some basic tips for effective tablet use; learn about free apps to enjoy; and may participate in a question and answer session.

Registration for the session is recommended but not required. To register, or for more information, contact Robey Memorial Library at 563-568-4424 or visit online at


International Steinway Artist Jim McDonough to perform at Waukon High School 20 years after serving as band director

International Steinway Artist Jim McDonough, who is a former Waukon High School band director, will be returning to perform 20 years later to the town where he started his teaching career. The solo piano concert, sponsored by the Allamakee Music Boosters, will be on stage Sunday, October 9 at 2 p.m. in the Waukon High School Auditorium. Tickets are available at Hartig Drug plus all banks in Waukon. Submitted photo.

International Steinway Artist Jim McDonough, who is a former Waukon High School band director, will be returning to perform 20 years later to the town where he started his teaching career. The solo piano concert, sponsored by the Allamakee Music Boosters, will be performed Sunday, October 9 at 2 p.m. in the Waukon High School Auditorium.
McDonough came to Waukon in the summer of 1996 as a first-year teacher at Waukon High School. Even though he only stayed in the district for one year, his band achieved a high level of performance. However, he also had aspirations beyond teaching.

McDonough's life over the next five years took a few twists and turns before he started a career as a solo pianist. For the past 15 years he has been recording CDs that are sold through trade shows and small town businesses, and performing seasonal concerts throughout the midwest and surrounding states.


Allamakee County Economic Development and NICC-Waukon Center to offer class entitled "Start-Up: An Introduction to Starting a Small Business" September 27

Allamakee County Economic Development (ACED), through a Growing Small Business in Northeast Iowa grant, is offering the class “Start-Up: An Introduction to Starting a Small Business” in partnership with NICC-Waukon.

Thinking about starting a business but not sure how to begin? There are so many questions that need to be answered. What does it take to be an entrepreneur? Is the business idea a good one? Is there enough money to start the business or what are the financing options? All of these concepts, and perhaps more that haven’t been thought of yet, are discussed in this class.

Entrepreneurs will learn what is necessary to build a firm foundation for a new venture, determine business feasibility, choose a legal form of business, register and license a business, and learn to make cash flow projections. Get prepared to be the one out of five small business owners who actually succeed with a solid business plan to make it happen.


Vision to Learn expanding to Allamakee County this school year

More kids in northeast Iowa will be seeing clearly after the Vision To Learn mobile clinic travels to 45 schools during the 2016-2017 school year, including schools in Allamakee County. Early this year, Vision To Learn and the Community Foundation partnered to pilot the vision program in eight Title I elementary schools in Dubuque and Jackson Counties. As a result, nearly 180 students received free eye exams and 90 students each received two free pairs of glasses.


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