by Susan Cantine-Maxson
The Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) met at the Kee High School Board Room in Lansing Monday, October 14. The meeting was called to order by Bobbie Goetzinger, Board President. The following board members were present: Bobbie Goetzinger, Melanie Mauss, Joe Manning and Arla Wagner. Board member Heather Lutz was absent.
Also present were Superintendent Nick Trenkamp, PK-12 Principal Donna Thomas, Dean of Students Chad Winters, and Board Secretary Michele Martin. Visitors included Ray Rankin, Dustin Stendel, Parker Leppert, Addyson Rankin, Kyle Mauss, and Kaden Colsch from the Lansing FFA Chapter, and Dave Ellefson, EACSD Technology Coordinator.