Main Street Lansing recently welcomed two new businesses to the downtown area with a ribbon cutting and presentation of “first dollar” certifications. Pictured in the top photo at right are the owners of Gracie’s Hutch (60 South Front Street), Kely and Brent Hutchinson, cutting the ribbon and holding the “first dollar” certificate. Also pictured (left to right) are Main Street Lansing members Jana Schoh, Mary Palmborg, Bruce Palmborg, Arlene Lynes, Joe Papp, Sue Papp and Judy Schild. In the bottom photo, cutting the ribbon and holding the “first dollar” certificate is Megan Manning, owner of Nutmegs Cafe and Bakery (367 Main Street). Also pictured (left to right) are Main Street Lansing members Sue Papp, Judy Schild, Arlene Lynes, Mary Palmborg, Jana Schoh, Bruce Palmborg and Joe Papp. Submitted photos.