River Valley


Prize winners of special drawings and events at Kee Post Prom ...

Kee High School’s Post Prom was held Sunday, April 22 from midnight until 4 a.m. following the Kee High School Prom. Guests played table games and other activities using play money. The raffle and silent auction prize packages were also very popular with the guests. Special entertainment was provided by hypnotist Blake Powers from Wand Enterprises. Everyone attending was given an opportunity to guess the number of candies in a jar and Kee junior Macie Hill (pictured in the photo below) won $100 for guessing closest to the actual number. Door prizes were awarded throughout the evening and everyone drew a number to win a prize package at the end of the event. A special drawing was held and the winners of that drawing are pictured in the photo above. The Kee senior grand prize (a Sceptre TV) was won by Brock Flack (left). The Kee junior grand prize (a Sanyo DVD player) was won by Jacob Berns (center) and the Guest grand prize (Polaroid tablet) was won by sophomore Ella Strong (right).


Organizational meeting scheduled for May 2 in regard to establishing Lansing Food Bank

The Northeast Iowa Food Bank, along with interested groups and citizens in Lansing, is working toward opening a Lansing Food Bank in Lansing sometime this spring or early summer. An organizational meeting is scheduled to be held Wednesday, May 2 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room at Main Street Lansing (corner of Fourth and Main Streets).

Steps taken up to this date regarding the local food bank will be explained. Anyone interested in volunteering, serving on the board or donating in any way to assist with developing a Lansing Food Bank is encouraged to attend.

The need for a local food bank has already been demonstrated and chronicled by the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. For information about the meeting or the local food bank, contact Craig White, Director, Main Street Lansing at 563-538-9229 or director@lansingmatters.com.


Winters, Martin selected by Lansing VFW and Legion to attend Boys State

Selected to attend Boys State ... Left to right: Thomas Aiden Winters and Anthony Martin. Submitted photo.

Two Kee High School students, juniors Thomas Aiden Winters and Anthony Martin, have been selected to attend the June 10-15 Boys State at Fort Dodge in Johnston this year. Local selection of attendees is sponsored by the Lansing Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5981 and Lansing American Legion Post 50.

Winters is the son of Corey and Lynn Winters of Lansing. Martin is the son of Andy and Marie Martin of Lansing.

Begun in 1938, Boys State is a six-day course in self government, consistently taught with a hands-on approach. The young men of 2018 Boys State, all of whom had finished their junior year of high school, will be divided into 32 cities. Four cities constitute a county and eight counties make up Boys State.

The cities are composed of members of the Nationalist and Federalist parties. The citizens within these cities hold party caucus meetings, conventions, campaigns and general elections.


Lansing City Council sets Interstate Power franchise fee at three percent, hires new police officer; Hydrant flushing will take place May 2

by Macie Hill

A regular Monday session of the Lansing City Council was held Monday, April 16. Discussion centered around the Interstate Power franchise fee percentage, flushing the fire hydrants for the spring season, payment number eight for the South Road Bridge project, considering Ordinance #197 for ATV usage, considering street sweeping for the City of De Soto, WI, reviewing and considering dust control bids, hiring a new Police Officer, and hiring a Lansing Pool manager along with two co-manager assistants.


Kee High School Prom/Post Prom scheduled to be held April 21-22

Volunteers, contributions needed to make Post Prom possible

Kee High School’s Post Prom has been scheduled for April 22 from midnight until 4 a.m. for Kee juniors and seniors and their guests, following their Prom Saturday, April 21. The Post Prom event is a substance free celebration providing table games, raffles and silent auctions, snacks and drinks and door prizes.

All Kee junior and senior students are welcome, even if not participating in Prom. There is no fee to attend. Hypnotist Blake Powers from Wand Enterprises has been booked and all guests will be entertained by his show.

The Post Prom Committee has been hosting Sunday Bingo events and worked the brat stand at Lansing Fish Days to raise funds for Post Prom. The group is very appreciative to all area businesses and individuals for their continued support.


Friends of Pool 9 schedule annual River Clean-Up Day for April 21

Results of their efforts ... Warren Coates surveys debris that had been dropped at the Brennan Landing in south Lansing during the 2017 Mississippi River Clean-Up. The debris was removed from the river corridor by volunteers, loaded by a tractor into dumpsters and hauled away by Allamakee County Waste Management. In 2017, 104 volunteers collected almost 10,000 pounds of trash. This year’s event is set for April 21. Submitted photo.

The annual Friends of Pool 9 (FOP9) River Clean-Up Day has been set and volunteers are needed. Saturday, April 21 marks the 14th year  this event has been scheduled. Last year alone, close to five tons of trash and debris were collected by 104 volunteers, making for a total of almost 140,000 pounds in the span of the previous 13 clean-up years. FOP9 River Clean-Up Day organizers are looking to try and better that volunteer number this year.

“Bring your outdoor friend or make it a family experience,” shared FOP9 Clean-Up Day organizers. “Help clean Pool 9 of the Mississippi River and take pride in the beauty of the great river valley.”


Area’s Karst Geology is April 19 topic for monthly speaker series at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library

Thursday, April 19, the public is invited to celebrate Earth Day (a little early) by learning about the unique layers of rock that have formed over the past 500 years beneath the landscape of the local area. In a presentation entitled “Disappearing Streams: Karst Geology of the Driftless Area,” Dr. Kelvin Rudolfo will talk about the area’s karst geology, which is marked by sinkholes, springs and shallow soils, and also by a vulnerability to pollution. Dr. Rudolfo is Professor Emeritus of Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The free program is part of a monthly speaker series and will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library, located at 515 Main Street in Lansing. The program will be preceded by a light supper at 5:30 p.m. with freewill offering.


Conservation Board to host author Dick Stahl at Driftless Center Saturday

The Allamakee County Conservation Board will be hosting author Dick Stahl Saturday, April 14 at 2 p.m. in the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center library in Lansing. The program is free of charge.

Stahl has compiled a book, entitled “Bluffing,” of poems and color photographs inspired by the mighty river.  His work has also appeared in three other books, including “After the Milk Route” and “Under the Green Tree Hotel,” published by Augustana College’s East Hall Press and “Mr. Farnam’s Guests” published by the Midwest Writing Center. For more information on this program or any other program that is offered by the Allamakee County Conservation Board and the Driftless Area Education and Visitors Center contact the office by phone at 563-538-0403 or by email at accb.naturalist@gmail.com.


Lansing City Council hears proposal to relocate City Hall, sets citywide clean-up for April 10 and fills summer positions at regular session; Public hearing on Alliant Energy electric franchise set for April 16

by Macie Hill

A regular session of the Lansing City Council was held Monday, April 2. Discussion centered around a public hearing date scheduled, information concerning moving City Hall to a different location, designating a day for citywide clean-up, hiring groundskeeping and maintenance positions for the City and hiring Lansing summer recreation baseball and softball coaches.

There will be an open public hearing Monday, April 16 at 7 p.m. to discuss the Alliant Energy electric franchise. Members of the public are invited to comment on the continuation of the City’s contracted services with Alliant (See Page 5B in this week’s issue of The Standard for further details on the public hearing).


Final week for public to comment on Compatibility Determinations for commercial uses of the Upper Mississippi Wildlife & Fish Refuge

Four Compatibility Determinations (CDs) which evaluate various economic and/or commercial uses of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge (Refuge), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are available for public comment through April 9 of this year. The draft CDs re-evaluate the following uses of the Refuge:

• Commercial Fishing Floats
• Commercially Guided Wildlife/lands Observation
• Guided Sport Fishing
• Guided Waterfowl Hunting.


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