Allamakee County Board of Supervisors meeting Monday, Jan. 31

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met Monday, Jan. 31 in regular session and moved quickly through several items on the agenda before advancing to budget reviews.
Allamakee County Recorder Deb Winke was present to discuss with the Board compensation for Laurie Welch, who is in charge of data processing and HIPAA security in the county office. Welch has taken on these responsibilities in addition to being Winke's first deputy in the recorder's office.
There was discussion last week of a five-percent increase in pay, which would come from the data processing budget. County Attorney William Shafer recommended that the Board make an approval, and Supervisor Bill Clark stated that they would like to have something in writing. Winke said she was waiting on a letter from attorney Rick Zahasky, and the item was tabled until next week.
Sharon Kubitz was appointed to the Compensation Commission, and the Board also accepted Steve Weymiller's annual manure management plan.

Dave Runyon, representing Helping Services, was present to give a short video presentation on the programs and assistance available through Helping Services. The video was filmed last summer by a high school graduate, who shot enough footage to fill 10 CDs. That footage was eventually edited down to a seven-minute presentation that covered the areas of substance abuse prevention, teenage pregnancy prevention, mentoring,and domestic and sexual abuse services.
Runyon stated that the video provided a different point of view than what the staff might give, and last month he began showing the video to supervisors, church groups and clubs in the area. Helping Services serves seven counties in northeast Iowa. Runyon also touched on a "Healthy Choices Lifestyle Calendar" that Helping Services has produced. The calendar features artwork from kids involved in the mentoring program, including four from Allamakee County. He closed by saying a little bit about Helping Services' plan to bring a Domestic and Sexual Abuse Resource Center to the area, possibly in Postville. It would bring support together, and the program is designed specifically for rural areas.
The Board then reviewed budgets.
