The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors - Monday, February 14 regular meeting

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors moved quickly through a handful of items on the agenda at its Monday, February 14 regular meeting.
Items not listed on the agenda that were briefly discussed were the demonstration of new voting equipment, to be held in Winneshiek County, and an update on the insurance questions raised at last week's meeting.
A public hearing was set for 10 a.m. Monday, March 7 for the FY06 budget.
Brian Mahoney was appointed as a Rural Representative to the Robey Memorial Library, and Sandy Bacon was appointed as a Rural Representative to the Postville Library. Their terms are for six years.
The annual manure management plan for the Jim Keehner Corp. was accepted. Also accepted was a draw request from Vickie Bloxham, on behalf of T.A.S.C., Inc.'s building expansion, in the amount of $4,300.
In other business, Carl Christianson and Paul Howes were present to update the Board on the veteran's memorial being constructed on the front lawn of the courthouse. They announced that Maury Gallagher will be submitting an article on the monument in an upcoming issue of The Standard.
