Those interested in quality education of children now have the opportunity to become directly involved in the educational process by becoming a member of a local district board of education.
Through Thursday, Aug. 3, at 5 p.m., individuals have the opportunity to file nomination papers with their respective school districts for vacancies on each district's board of education. Nomination papers for school board seats are available from school secretaries or at the county auditor's office. Necessary papers and affidavits must be filed with school secretaries by the deadline above to be valid. School board elections will be held Tuesday, Sept. 12.
In the Allamakee Community School District, the position of District 1 Director must be filled. Incumbent Don Haler has taken out nomination papers, but has not yet officially filed. Candidates for the seat must live within the district and attain a petition containing 58 signatures of residents who live within the Allamakee Community School District service area.
Eastern Allamakee Community School District will see two vacancies: District 3 Director, currently filled by David Amble, and District 5 Director, represented by Cathy Mooney. Candidates must file a petition containing the signatures of 10 individuals who reside within the district for which the candidate wishes to represent.
And finally, Postville Community School District will see the expiration of two terms and, hence, a vacancy for those seats. Specifically, vacant positions include District 3 Director, represented by Brad Rekow, and District 1 Director, represented by J. David Girard who announced his resignation effective Oct. 9 of this year. Candidates for these seats must live within the district they wish to represent and file a petition containing the signatures of 21 residents of the Postville Community School District.
Each Board of Education member commits to a three year term.
For more information, contact Bill Roe, county auditor, at (319) 568-3522.
