Ariel Nicole Dennler was born June 7 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. At birth, the infant weighed seven pounds. Ariel’s parents are Nicole and Kurt Dennler, Waukon.
Her grandparents are Dean and Sherry Bechtel of Waukon and Robert and Jane Dennler of Elkader. Great-grandparents are Neve Bechtel of Waukon and Virginia Halverson of Waukon.
Ariel is the Dennler’s first child.

Tierney Ann Thompson was born June 10 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. At birth, she weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She is the daughter of Tiffany Thompson of Monona.
Tierney’s grandparents are Mike and Laurie Egan of Monona and Craig Thompson of Luana.
The infant’s great-grandparents are Lucille and the late L.C. “Smokey” Smock, Decorah and Willma Brazille of Harpers Ferry. Great-great grandparents are Leo and Emma Tollefson of Decorah.

Caleb John Larson was born June 10 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. At birth, Caleb weighed 9 lbs. He is the son of Jared and Heather Larson of Lancaster, WI.
Caleb’s grandparents are Sheila and Dean Olson and Lowell Larson, all of Waukon; and Mike and Joyce Lowe, New Hampton.
The great-grandparents are Jean and Francis Lowe, New Hampton; Cathy Busch, Waverly; Joe Busch, Buffalo Center; and Roland Barr, Waukon.
Caleb joins a sister, Brianna age 4.5, and a brother, Carter, two years old.
