Veterans Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will be sponsoring a blood drive on Friday, June 30, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Large Conference Room located on the lower level of Veterans Memorial Hospital.
During the approximate one hour that is required to give blood, the volunteers will take the time with each donor to make sure the blood they are giving that day will be made safe for those who need it.
The safety of the blood supply begins with the donor's health history interview. An accurate health history interview enables the American Red Cross to assess the potential blood donor's eligibility for giving blood. The American Red Cross and patients who need the blood depend on potential blood donors to give honest answers concerning their health each time they give blood. But the donor's health history information is not the only precaution taken to help insure the safety of the blood. The American Red Cross is required to perform seven different tests on each pint of blood to detect certain infectious diseases. Because no test is 100% perfect, the American Red Cross must rely on a number of screening procedures to qualify blood donors.
Donors are tested for anemia and checked for physical signs of intravenous drug use. If either show positive, the person is not allowed to give blood. After a donor gives blood, they are then given a “take home card” with a phone number to call within 24 hours after giving blood if for any reason they decide their blood should not be used.
Patients are the number one priority of the American Red Cross. Surgeries and other situations involving blood transfusions would not be possible if it were not for healthy, honest volunteer blood donors. The American Red Cross strives to give the safest blood possible.
All those wishing to give blood on June 30 are asked to give themselves at least 56 days at a minimum between blood donations. Those donating blood should not fast, but rather eat a normal, healthy meal that day. And anyone giving blood must be 17 years of age or older and weigh at least 110 pounds. Please plan on spending approximately one hour at the blood drive for the entire process.
Veterans Memorial Hospital staff will be calling all past blood donors to schedule an appointment for the donation time prior to June 30. Walk-ins are also welcome.
For further information, please call Linda Kious, Medical Laboratory Technologist, at Veterans Memorial Hospital at (319) 568-3411.
