Board of Supervisors discusses further plans in regard to Makee Manor

by Bob Beach

During the regular meeting of the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors Monday, October 21 Supervisor Sherry Strub said that she thinks it's time to "pull the plug" on Makee Manor, citing continuing expenses for maintenance and repairs and the looming cost of heating the building through the winter. Board Chairman Larry Schellhammer said that the Board needs to know sooner rather than later whether or not a potential buyer is still interested in purchasing the building and its contents.
Allamakee County Sheriff Clark Mellick pointed out that if the building were sold, it would not be feasible to keep the evidence shed at the location, so that would need to be figured into the sale price of the property. Allamakee County Emergency Management Director Chris Dahlstrom said that the same is true for the Emergency Management building at the site.
After some further discussion, the Board concluded that its best course of action would be to sell the contents of the building at public auction and plan demolition at a later date. The Board plans to select an auctioneer and set a date for the auction at its next regular meeting Monday, October 28 and tabled action on an agreement with the City of Waukon for maintenance of the sewage lagoons at the site.

The Board also held a public hearing to consider the adoption of an updated E911 ordinance, which Allamakee County E911 Coordinator Chris Fee said would make the ordinance consistent with the County's zoning ordinance in addition to cleaning up some of the language in the ordinance. Doug Mullen of Lansing questioned whether or not it was legal to hold a public hearing on an ordinance that has not been published in the newspaper or made available online. Mullen also said that he does not believe that the E911 ordinance is meant to be a regulatory ordinance and should not include regulations regarding driveways.
Fee pointed out that the regulations are included in the ordinance to ensure safe and convenient access for emergency vehicles. Allamakee County Attorney Jill Kistler agreed to research the law with regard to Mullen's specific concerns. The Board agreed to table consideration of the ordinance until Tuesday, November 12 at 10 a.m.

In other business, the Board approved contracts with the six public libraries in the county for Fiscal Year 2014. The Board also approved the hiring of Stuart Bloxham as a Deputy Sheriff starting November 1.
