Cherry Valley Chums

The Cherry Valley Chums 4-H Club met on January 10, 2005. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Morgan Deering. Roll call was name your favorite snow activity. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given.
Old Business: Dues are now due and they are $10 for each member. Please pay these as soon as possible.
The Festival of Trees was held Nov. 30 through early December. Thank you to those who served on the committee and helped with the set-up decoration and taking down the club tree. A special thank you to Kim Deering for being the adult volunteer with this project.
Thank you also to those of you who helped and furnished cookies for the cookie walk at the Festival of Trees on Dec. 4; $166.85 was raised at this event and the proceeds were sent to the extension office for the county council's Toys for Tots campaign. Thank you to Amy Lage and Clara Lensing for being adult volunteers with this project.
New Business: Is the club interested in creating another quilt,a community project for the fair improvement this year, or is there another community project we are interested in? For example, the Love to Share program. Members will need to bring either 2 Postville related t-shirts for material (50 cotton/50 polyester material) to the next meeting or donate $2 to purchase material for it.
Be thinking of suggestions or possibilities of things to do at the spring workshop in March which will be discussed at our next meeting. Also, keep your eyes open for ideas for our next club trip because that committee will be discussing the ideas at our next meeting.
The 4-H Pledge was led by Tanner Deering. Hosts for the evening were Morgan, Tanner, and Whitney Deering, and Keisha Kerr.
DayLee Mostaert and Whitney Deering, Reporters
