Creative gift-wrapping solutions

  • "Tie one on" to give packages a designer look. Try cinnamon sticks, silk scarves, candy canes and miniature ornaments. Toy cars, giant lollipops and stuffed bean bag toys are cute tie-ons for children's gifts.

  • Make children's "Christmas poppers" out of smaller stocking-stuffer type gifts or candy. Save the cardboard tubes from wrapping paper or paper towels and cut them to size. Stuff gifts inside the tube and roll the tube in tissue paper, leaving enough at each end to tie off with ribbon. Have the children grab each end of the tissue paper and pull till the contents "pop" out.

  • Paper doilies make great package decorations. Top a small wrapped package with a circle cut from a doily and top with a sprig of holly. Or make a lacy doily bow - just accordion-pleat a round doily and staple it
    in the center for an instant bow.

  • American Greetings beverage bags are not just for wine. They're also a great choice for wrapping wallets, gloves, neckties, scarves and other small gifts.
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