From the Director's Desk: Reeg discusses The Week of the Young Child

In my director’s report this month I would like to talk about the Week of the Young Child which is coming up the week of April 3-9. The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. (NAEYC) is the largest early childhood education association, with other 100,000 members. I belong to this group, which has a network of 450 local, state and regional affiliates.

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognized the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

NAEYC first established the Week of the Young Child in the early 70’s recognizing the importance of early childhood years, birth through eight, laid the foundation for children’s successes in school as well as later in life. The Week of the Young Child is a time to plan how we as citizens of a community will better meet the needs of all young children and their families.

Today we know more than ever before about the importance of children’s earliest years and the role they play in shaping their learning and development. There are several programs available to help with children’s learning and development including Early Head Start, Head Start, Every Child Reads, No Child Left Behind, Child Care Providers, In Home Providers and our local YMCA.

The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that childrens’ opportunities are our responsibilities and we should recommit ourselves to making sure that every child experiences the type of learning environment at home, child care, at school and in the community that will promote this learning.

I have several things planned at the daycare for the Week of the Young Child. We will be working with the Head Start and the Postville School on some of those projects. On Monday we will take hand-painted murals of the childrens’ hand prints to put in the downtown businesses. We will also make hand pins for the parents to wear with their child’s name on them. Tuesday we will recognize the community by having community members come to the daycare/Head Start and read to the children. Wednesday we will recognize parents with coffee, juice and muffins as they head off to work. Thursday we will give each child a plant that they can take home and plant with their parents. Friday we will recognize the staff by furnishing them with treats.

We will also be doing a radio spot at KPVL Radio Postville. The preschool and Head Start and Child Development students will singing a song for the community. Watch for pictures in next week’s paper.

Other news: watch for details of our upcoming supper program. We have lots of summer activities planned and are again working with the Allamakee Extension Office on summer programs.
