Farm Bureau to observe Food Check-Out Day Feb. 7

Allamakee County Farm Bureau will be celebrating Farm Bureau's Food Check-Out Day Monday, Feb. 7 by donating two grocery carts full of food to the local food shelves within the county.
Food Check-Out Day observes the fact that, according to Farm Bureau, the average American will have earned enough disposable income in just 37 days to pay for his or her food supply for the entire year. According to the latest statistics compiled by the USDA Economic Research Service, American families and individuals spend, on average, just 10 percent of their disposable personal income for food.
Mark Stock, Allamakee County Farm Bureau President, says not only is America's food supply the world's safest, but it's also the most affordable. "It speaks well of our nation's increased standard of living, which would certainly be reduced without the safe, abundant and affordable domestic food supply produced by America's farmers and ranchers," he said.
In comparison to Food Check-Out Day, the observance of Tax Freedom Day - the day the average American had earned enough money to pay federal, state and local taxes - was April 11 last year, according to the Tax Foundation.
