Final Date to make application for Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)

Derryl McLaren, State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Iowa, reminds producers that March 15, 2005 is the final date for producers to complete and sign the application for NAP (Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program) coverage for all 2005 spring planted crops. Coverage fees must also be paid by the March 15, 2005.
Producers who purchased NAP coverage on Spring Seeded Crops in 2004 have until March 15, to obtain continuous coverage by paying the applicable service fees for Spring Seeded Crops.
For those producers adding or deleting crops from the previous year's coverage or changing crop share, a new Application for Coverage must be completed and the applicable service fee(s) must be paid before the application closing date of March 15, 2005.
The NAP program provides assistance for crop losses due to eligible natural disaster conditions for crops for which catastrophic (CAT) level crop insurance is not available in a county. The program covers commercially produced crops.
It does not include home gardens, experimental crops, by-products from processing or harvesting of an eligible crop, volunteer stands, nor any crop not produced for food or fiber.
NAP payments may be issued to eligible producers when crop losses exceed 50% of the individual's approved yield. If producers have not established an individual yield by providing FSA with past years' production, the approved yield will be 65% of the average historic yield for the crop. The payment rate is 55% of the historic average market price. Any producers who share in the risk of producing the crop at the time the crop is planted or prevented from being planted, may be eligible for NAP.
More detailed information about the NAP program including eligibility requirements, coverage fees, coverage, acreage reporting dates, filing a notice of loss, etc. is available at the local FSA County Office. Don't miss the March 15, 2005 final date!
