
*Five Years ago
*Mark Mueller placed second at the State Wrestling meet over the weekend while Brad Snitker placed fourth in competition. Also competing were Jarrod Olson and Tony Stumbo.
*Beverly Zieman has announced her retirement from the Legislative League of the Iowa House and Senate.
*Zach Marsh was named to the Academic All-State Basketball team.

*Ten Years ago
*Tasha Deering, 12, earned fifth place in the crossbred steer class and seventh place in the shorthorn steer class at the Iowa Beef Expo February 19.
*Brent Grinna, Levi Livingood, Lacie Plaht and alternate Zach Marsh will participate in the spelling bee at the NICC campus at Peosta February 25.
*Brent Wilker was named to the all-conference boys basketball team while Artie Day received second team honors.

*Twenty-Five Years ago
*Kevin Cronk, 21, Tyler, Minn. and Daryl Michel, Postville have been employed at Citizens State Bank.
*Mary Beth Turner and Steven L. Snitker were married Saturday, February 23 at St. Paul Lutheran Church.
*Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Duwe and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Schultz are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Cindy and Stuart. They are planning a June wedding in Postville.

*Fifty Years ago
*Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nelson of Cedar Rapids and Duane Christianson of Ames spent the weekend in the Ed Nelson home.
*The Rev. and Mrs. William Suckow of Shueyville spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting in the home of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Suckow and family in Postville.
