Grand Meadow 4-H Club meets

By Carol Steva

Grand Meadow 4-H club met on March 6 at the Citizens Center at 7:30. There were eight people present. The meeting was called to order by Kaylee Zuercher. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Christa Miner, and roll call was, “What is your favorite color and why?” The Secretary’s report was given by Christa Miner and Treasurer’s report was given by Cassie Miner.

The old business discussed was: Reminder, 4-H Omelet Brunch on March 13, tickets are $5. The 4-H lock-in at Prairie du Chien on March 18.

New business discussed, was this is our last meeting at the Citizens Center. It was decided that whoever is to host the meeting would choose where to hold it.

Anyone interested in Cross-stitch class see Linda. They will be held Saturday, April 2 from 10-12 in Elkader.

Big Four Fair dates are June 17-19.

The theme for decorating at the Clayton Co. Fair is “Get in the Groove”. Think of some decorating ideas.

The Dairy Youth Coalition will be held April 8th and 9th at the Ramada Inn, Waterloo. $2.00 dues per person for 4-Her’s for 4-H.

RAGBRAI will pass through Gunder on the way to Elkader. The Curran’s offered to let us set up a refreshment stand at their place for a fund-raiser.

The presentations were given by Cassie Miner telling about FFA Creed, Rebecca Curran told us about her rabbits, and Chelsea Curran told us about the lock-in at Luther. Marie Landsgard helped the club members make a floral arrangement to be donated for the Silent Suction during the Omelet Brunch. Lunch was served by the Miner family. The next meeting will be held on April 3rd at 7:30 at the Steva’s.
